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'Weavers Yard' a Surrey Transplant



Oh no not another blog entry...


Actually it's been about six months - been busy with the '2012 comp' (2entries) project managing the house refurb (still ongoing) and having a pacemaker fitted (ticking along nicely!).


So why this entry? A couple of weeks ago, as a break from architectural modelling (see the comp) I went and looked at some REAL buildings as part of Farnham's 'Heritage Weekend'. Ther I made the aquaintance of a leading local architect, & the subject of modelling came up... He's asked to see some of my work - however this is mostly in 4- & 7mm, hardly archtectural modelling scales.


At the same time we looked at some of the town's 'yards'. Today we would call them 'service areas' but back in the 17th-18th century they were actually farm yards! Now here was a potential project (about 40 0f them)! One of them -




struck me as ideal. Tucked away off 'West Street', one of the main thoroughfares, it is basically cart road serving what were originally 18c brick-built buildings - a mix of domestic and light industrial (might even have been a weavers with workers dwellings opposite). Plenty of scope for differing brick finishes etc and an impressive (I hope) demo piece.








However, waste not, want not. I'd hate for all the upcoming effort to just sit on a shelf, so I'm actually going to model it at 1:150 (makes the brickwork even more challenging!) and will incorporate it (somehow) into 'Upton Dene' village area.


First order of business - a 'concept model' in plain white card. Start Wednesday I think.





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  • RMweb Gold

REAL buildings? Heritage? Don't get me started :P Concrete steel and glass is what REAL buildings are made of :D


Interesting project this Ian...you'll have as many different projects on the go as me soon :O


Glad the new 'piece of kit' is functioning as it should...

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Hi Pete -


The great unwashed (and not a few architects) moan about HRH Charles- but 'Carbuncle on the face of humanity' is about right... In *most* cases good architecture stopped at the end of the 'Art Deco' period for me. Funnily enough I will make exceptions for 'The Gherkin' and the 'Shard'!





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  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see you blogging again Ian. And good to hear that the pacemaker is ticking along.


I like the idea of a scene mixing domestic and light industrial buildings. This is the kind of messy reality that makes things look real.


Am looking forward to seeing the mock-up - oh sorry, the "concept model" :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

The great unwashed (and not a few architects) moan about HRH Charles- but 'Carbuncle on the face of humanity' is about right... In *most* cases good architecture stopped at the end of the 'Art Deco' period for me. Funnily enough I will make exceptions for 'The Gherkin' and the 'Shard'!


I won't be drawn on this one Ian :no: let's just agree to differ and stay friends :D



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I won't be drawn on this one Ian :no: let's just agree to differ and stay friends :D




A sign of true friendship is the ability to agree to disagree!

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Wonder if there are cobbles or sets under that tarmac? ;)


Hi Neil -


As I need to 'backdate' the scene to my chosen period of the 1920'2-early '30's I'm going to pay a visit to the county History Centre (only about 10 miles away) next week. I'll be able to look at their photographic record, check 'Kellys' etc. Looking at multitudinous other 'yards' (there's over 40 of them) my guess is granite setts.


The other structure that will definitely go is the 'glasshouse' structure over the archway. Very '60's!





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The other structure that will definitely go is the 'glasshouse' structure over the archway. Very '60's!





Don't let Pete hear you, he'll have it listed.....:)

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