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Mikkel last won the day on February 21 2012

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    : Somewhat rotten in the state of Denmark
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    GWR in all its forms. And anything pregrouping!

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  1. If the mods don't mind I'll be providing live updates here on the Olympic clay pigeon shooting competition.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Virgil Wedge

      Virgil Wedge

      Those poor clay pigeons! 
      I hope the perpetrators do at least, eat them.


    3. Bucoops


      Ah Olympic clay shooting. Reminds me of my uni days when I joined the club. The club was sponsored by Hull Cartridge who also sponsored an Olympian. They offered us a few of the shells that this person used for competition. The club had 3 guns, and one had an occasional quirk where both barrels would fire at once. Can you see where this is going?

      One "Olympic grade" shell makes a heck of a bang and you REALLY need to make sure you have the butt tucked in carefully to avoid injury. TWO shells? Flat on my back, couldn't move that shoulder for a few days and the bruise was still there a month later. "Pardon?" was my favourite phrase.


      For the record, that clay was dust. And that gun got a proper service soon after.

    4. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      @Bucoops - no wonder I couldn't hit much, I didn't have special cartridges! I feel diddled.

  2. Those are the days when you wonder "why am I doing this". Experience teaches us that it will be OK later. The problem is that we forget! 🙂 The wagon looks superb though.
  3. Nice bit of deconstruction. You are basically starting over with the original kit, so this must be a new model. Which means, I suppose, that one kit can produce multiple models! But not at the same time. So time must be a factor. Never mind, my head hurts, back to the workbench 🙂
  4. It's not about quantity, it's about who got there first :-) https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=GB&NR=190221140A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19030716&DB=&locale=en_EP
  5. Thanks for the tip on that book, Mike, a voice from a different age. The author is very taken with the drawing of the "Express Locomotive" in Plate E (p439), calling it "the finest examples of the kind ever executed". He praises the shading and I like his choice of words: "every individual line tells it tale." I also can't help but smile at the overly zealous man with the stamp in the New York Public Library, of whom I have now formed a strong mental image!
  6. Thanks Dave. I agree about sprung whitemetal buffers, hasn't worked for me either.
  7. No, don't worry, not mine. I wish it was though. I really like the look of it, regardless of the boiler.
  8. Ah, that makes sense. Thanks Stephen.
  9. If they can produce a loco half as stylish, characterful and exquisite as that one, they can do a 45 degree angled boiler for all I care 🙂
  10. No mouse? 🙂 It would be a nice trademark to leave in there. Do people do such things in VR modelling?
  11. They certainly are lovely sketches. I wonder if this one was originally coloured, and if so why? It's aestethically pleasing, but the advantage in terms of clarifying the content seems limited.
  12. They look good as always, Dave. Can I ask: I've been pondering the spring mechanism. Is there any functional reason why the spring wire is connected between the buffers, or is it only because it's simpler/quicker?
  13. My guess is that Dapol are aiming for full lining with the red frames, i.e.: https://swindonworks.weebly.com/517-instructions.html https://www.7mmloco.co.uk/2024/02/22/gwr-dean-517-class-0-4-2t-no-524/
  14. Mikkel


    Posting in the forum will probably get you more views and likes, if that's a priority. Most people never make it to the blogs, or forget them, or don't like the format. I like the blogs because they provide a more structured format, and it's easier to go back and find things. But both formats have pros and cons, and I think RMweb is richer for having them both. You could also have a daily thread and an occasional blog, not unusual.
  15. Those close-ups are quite un-appetizing! The "before" ones, I mean 😄 The transformation of No. 148 really is impressive, Matt, hard to believe it's the same model. Well, I suppose it isn't actually the same model, as you have completely remodelled it. Philosophical question: When does a model become a different model?
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