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Ruby Road sidings part 2. Test board expansion.

using some old Hornby set track lying round in the garage I'm trying to come up with a plan to extend the test board into something useable as a mini layout.

I'm liking the idea of an engineers yard like Kingsmill so i have room for all the wagons I've collected over the years.

here's what i've come up with with the few bits of track I have.




Obviously it does not have to stay like this and the points will be new and not the battered and broken ones in the picture.

I've got some peco points that will look better, but unsure of the geometry. Good job I've recently bought some flexi track.

just need to have a play until i come up with something i like (this may take some time)


over to you for ideas.....


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With the amount of wagons you have I think your sidings will need to be longer! :)

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twice the length



What about a wagon works?

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What about a wagon works?



that's an option i had considered, not as grand as the Cresent works in Peterborough, but it's do able

a small shed on 1 or 2 sidings

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