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Par Station in N Gauge - Bridging the gap (2)

cornish trains jez


Good evening all,


I have been making some progress over the last week or so with the footbridge for Par station. I have still to find a suitable mesh to complete the side railings on the steps up to the bridge and I am hoping that I will find something that will work well when I visit the Warley show at the NEC in Birmingham in a couple of weeks.


The footbridge ends are now complete, the second end being a complete nightmare to build as the structure somehow would not glue together straight and I ended up ripping it apart and starting again.


The main structure is now complete (almost) and I may have a bash at applying some rivet transfers (as per TomE's water tower on Ropley) as I feel this would add a new dimension to the bridge.

Once this is done. I will then paint the footbridge black and then add the mesh.


Below are a few shots of the footbridge, it's not perfect but I feel it's becoming a fair representation of the real structure. As always, all comments are most welcome.












Best regards,



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I sympathise with you. I have lost count of the times I have had to redo things.




If it doesn't look quite right, always best to start again.

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Coming along nicely Jez


Regards, Andy


Thanks Andy. I'm hoping to get this the footbridge finished in the next few weeks. Then I can turn my attention back to the station building and hopefully finish all the little details.

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