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Christmas layout surprise



Tell you what this years has absolutely flown, mainly because the missus & our 4 soon to be 5 year old little lad have moved up to Harrogate. Modelling time at the moment is vertually non existant except to run trains around the layout up at my dads and trying to ignore the growing pile of 'broken things' (arnt little people brilliant at helping things fall apart!)


Anyway, as its his birthday on the 23rd and xmas only 2days behind that, i hatched a plan to build him his own railway that would go on the dining room table, after a bit of planning and a false start sourcing some wood, i bit the bullet & went to B&Q. Only realising i had 6 weeks from start to finish! The idea is to keep it as a surprise & so far its working, he has no idea what im building and have taken advantage of his absence this weekend to work on it in the house as opposed to freezing my backside off in the garage, Anyway heres some pics of the progress so far, its not much but for a 5 year old i think hell be bouncing off the walls when he sees it at xmas!


So it all started one Sunday with a trip to B&Q, there was 20% off sheet wood so 2 sheets of 6x2 6mm ply was purcased with a pack of strip wood. I didnt really have a plan as such so i just started cutting wood & went with the flow but it came together pretty well. The little 1 thinks im building some kind of door!



So all i basically did was knock up a frame with the strip wood, some of which more than resembled a banana, and then screwed & glued the play to to the top, nothing earth shatteringly complex. The main idea to make it as easy to lift & move about as feasable. The 2 boards are clamped together with some roofing bolts & wing nuts through an extra baton, simple & effective.



Once i got the 2 made up after a week of working in sub zero temparatures it was time sort the track plan & figure out how much track & points were needed. The track plan is a folded figure of 8 which to me gives lots of potential to 'watch the trains go by' and also will be simple enough for a 5 year old (hopefully) So the track was ordered from Hattons and duly turned for the second week of the build. Work & the weather got in the way so track laying was pretty slow to begin with


Id stockpiled a load of superquick kits from the Leeds Grammar exhibition to make up for the layout so on a night after the little had gone to bed a superquick production line started upblogentry-5804-0-36025400-1355080806.jpg

id forgotten just how much i enjoyed buidling them up & actually are pretty good value for money i reckon as well and a nice excuse for a laphroig!


Now i had the buildings made up the shed roads & the platform roads were put in on the boards & the track sprayed in railmatch dark rust, that was friday so with the missus off to see her mum for the weekend it was nice to be able to bring the layout in for a bit of a play


After wiring it up properly & devising a way to connect both boards with some 9v battery clips from the wakefield show, ballasting began in earnest. After what seemed lime an interminable amount of time the ballast was on & the glue applied it was now time to watch a bit of motd and watch it dry.


Over night the glue had nearly dried, a few areas were still a bit squidgy so today it was time to gte some greenery on. as im on a bit of a budget & deadline i bought a grass mat from teh Wakefield show last week. Iv never used 1 before but im quite pleased with the results iv got, only quible is its a bit bright but hey ho 5 year olds wont be that picky....surely?

Heres a pic of how the layout looks now, 2 weekends to go but theres still a lot to do but i think its come along pretty well in such a short time, very nice to see a train trundling round this aft. Just waiting for the missus to let me know when shes coming home & its demoted to the garage again, just hope the glue will dry clear as its a bit cold out there!blogentry-5804-0-10705400-1355080815.jpgblogentry-5804-0-40197100-1355080961.jpg

Cant wait to see his face when he comes down to see this sat on the table when we get back after christmas at the in laws, doubt ill get a play though!

Cheers for looking, might have some more update hoefully by the end of the week


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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

This is what I would like to do if I ever have kids. What a wonderful gift, I'm sure he will be thrilled.





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Thanks for looking & commenting chaps, off to the model shop tomorow so will have another update later this week hopefully.



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  • RMweb Gold

Fabulous! I'm sure he's going to love it. I hope you both have hours of fun playing with it.



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  • RMweb Gold

What a fantastic gift. And not just a railway, but something you actually made for him.


You are right those Superquick kits do the job pretty well.

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I can still remember a farm layout that my Dad made for me when I was 6 one Christmas,(over 50 years ago!) I'm sure this will be a very memorable for your son, well done.

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Just great we need more young people to get interested in the hobby, as a life long hobby interest, it starts with your first train / trainset and being able to touch and play trains with out fear of damaging dads prized fine scale models.

my dad did this for me and it has always been a grounding interest in my life that has continued from childhood to my late 30's I learned quickly the value of things and when wanting to add to the train collection I learned that every thing has a price and chores around the house had a value to that price to add a new mainline wagon cost $5 that was 2 weeks chores or new J72 was several more weeks


Our hobby needs new younger members.


Hear in Australia at train shows etc it is unusual to see young people behind layouts so I encourage all the oldies to help get the young train set players into railway modelers as this is the only way the hobby can continue to become stronger.


At a recent NMRA modelers convention hear in Australia I displayed my on30 module the sole young person at the event came over to the layout and asked some question about my dcc sound so I handed him the throttle he was amazed and after a few moments he had mastered the opperations and I left him with the layout only to have several concerrned gray hairs come rushing to tell me that some kid was running my trains.


So you are to be awarded in starting your son with such a great layout that both of you can enjoy and it looks like you are having some fun to whilst building too.


Happy modeling

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Well done! Nothing like a deadline to keep you going.

I often let young people drive at shows, my son was very proud to be given a chance to drive a narrow gauge layout at Exeter when he was 6.

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I built a OO gauge layout for my Godson when he was 5 (He was involved in its development) and it was a great success. He loved running it alone and with his friends (you can close your eyes when train races happen).

He subsequently built an N gauge layout on his own with minimal help/interference from adults.


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What a lucky boy. I hope he enjoys it. Well done on such quick progress. Hope you'll post pictures of finished layout.

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