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Delph - The Goods Shed has Landed

Dave Holt


Like some sort of UFO, the goods shed has descended from space (the spare bedroom, actually) and landed in the prepared cut-out in the cork surface of the base-board. It's been there before, but I thought I'd re-fit it, just to complete the station scene.









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The buildings really change the character of the layout.  I can't believe nearly a year has gone by since Robin, Paul and I came by to have a look.



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I have to say, the layout looks superb even at this stage and as Robin pointed out the presence of the buildings in the scene really bring it on and certainly give it identity, I particularly like the second shot with the road gradually rising up, lovely scenic balance.



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Seeing this layout develop is very special for me. I grew up in a house on Oldham Road from 1955 onwards, with a view of the goods yard at Delph station and watched the slow decline of the operation there following the Beeching cuts. Your meticulous attention to detail on the goods shed, station buildings and coal drops brings it all back to life for me.

Sadly, I have no photographs of the goods yard, apart from one where it appears in the distance on a snow covered morning, with the daily 2-6-2 Fowler locomotive shunting the wagons that it had hauled in that day.

I look forward to seeing your future developments on this exceptional project!


Geoff Carter

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Thanks for the various complementary comments. All very flattering, but I must point out that the lovely buildings are all the work of Gravy Train - so many congratulations to him rather than me! I just plonked them down in roughly the right places.


Geoff, I'm really glad the layout brings back fond memories. The inspiration to build a layout based on Delph came principally from the Michael & Peter Fox "Delph Donkey" book but was also influenced by my mother having commuted to Delph on the Donkey to work during WW2. I grew up in the house next to the foot bridge over the OA&GB line, apposite Alexandra Park in the early 1950's, but I don't have any memories of the Delph branch myself.

I'd be very interesting in the photo you mention and any memories you have of the working of Delph goods yard because, to date, I haven't been able to find any real information on the Delph goods working. Nearly all the archive information and photos feature the passenger trains and the L&Y 0-6-0 hauled special.





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