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Cup of tea father?

Father Dougal



First up is my Tevan. I really like the way the white has discoloured since I applied the varnish.

I am building 2 more variants for an initial rake of 3 to serve Mrs Doyle's tea emporium. I think I need to tweak a few images at some point to create a logo.


Beer for father Jacks Brewery! Must get a few more of these.


This is my fuel point- I really like the rust effect on the roof.


What do you think? Be gentle with me as it's my first attempt.

This is scarier than getting undressed in public.( Bishop Brennan has told me I can't do that again)

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Hello there Father!


Thing you MUST add:


A creepy looking guy with an 'I shot J.R.' T shirt - perhaps showing his scar to a TV crew or driving a sludge gulper truck...


A flock of crows.


A 'lots of DRINK and TWO TRUCKS' Rover!


I love the progress this far - some very nice weathering too.


All the best,



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Hello there your selves Mr castle and Mr deathwatch. (Another 40k fan I suspect.)

The roof is a bit warped, but it does not show too much. I may replace it if it begins to bother me.

The rust effect was achieved by a layer of sponging of rust coloured paint, a black wash and then a mix of weathering powders- I perfected this technique whilst building a whole load of Nurgle tanks for my 40k collection.

I plan to replace the roof on the provender store with some wills sheeting and turn it into Mrs Doyles tea emporium- that should make a nice project.

The flock of crows is a good idea- I bet Langley models do some- they could loiter around the brewery. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Obviously all that practice painting unclean heretical tanks paid off! I read somewhere, that mixing talc into rust coloured paint can be used to create ready-to-brush textured rust, not tried it myself though.

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