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How dirty did BR vans really get in the 1970's?

Father Dougal


blog-0552557001362658961.jpgHello there,

I'm trying to weather my vans to a level that is realistic for the 1970's period. I have read several articles which just tell me they got REALLY dirty.

Photos have been unhelpful as they are either in black and white or of preserved stock which tends to be pristine. Here are a few of my wagons, what do you think too dirty or not dirty enough?? (Apologies for the quality of the images)



This is an ex- LMS 12 ton van. Original colour is BR grey. Looks mostly brown now.




These are a few Tevans- white is a nice background for dirt!



This is an ex GWR van. Rusted up a bit at the ends. Bauxite is a really poor base for dirt as its hard to distinguish from the mud.


Any comments or images gratefully received!


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Pre-BR vans were withdrawn from normal service by the end of 1972. Those not scrapped would end up as engineers or internal user stores were they would tend to get washed by rain and faded by sun. Mind you, the latter processes also  applied to reveue stock, though they'd acquire fresh dirt a lot of which would be brake dust - basically iron oxide (rust) The wagons in this train are in fairly typical condition: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidwf2009/7152749765/in/set-72157629623169032 Paul Bartlett's website has plenty of colour pictures of these kind of vans, mostly 1970s/80s, but some earlier, including this very grubby ex-GWR van in 1967 (next to a cleaner ex-LNER Plywood one): http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brgwrvan/h34902e45#h34902e45

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