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Pictures from my work in Seraing this Week-End



Hi everybody,


Here are some photographs from my club's stand in an exhibition in Seraing (Liège) this week-End.


We'll start with some pictures of a club member's layout :


First, a tunnel portal. This is a reproduction of a real tunnel portal located in Chaudfontaine, on the line from Liège to Cologne.


This is a scene from the village, with the detailed and lighted pub (the name, G + Soif, gives the phonetic expression "J'ai plus soif", translated in "I'm not thirsty anymore"... :sarcastichand: )


Ah... Here is one of my "weathering jobs" on my friend's layout, an abandoned and rotting old steam locomotive... As he really loves Alsace, he even went to put a Stork nest on it... :no: )


Another "Gag" on his layout is those skiers... Without snow ! Yep, the global warming did it again !!! :D


Another of my "works". This signal box (original located in Quiévrechain, France) has been scratchbuilt with detailed interior and lightning.


Ha... Jean-Claude and his puns... He went to put a submarine (check for the periscope) and even some spies (the divers) in the pond... But how dit they made it there, would you ask ? Well... simply by groundwater... :laugh: )



And we finish with those two "global" views of the layout (with functional superdetailed Sommerfeld catenary). He's about 10 meters long for 3 meters wide.


Then, some of my work... First, one of my freight trains (with my old Jouef 030 TU steamer from the French "Etat" railway company.



Finally, the result of my simple painting and weathering job on a Wills kit (a goods shed)... This depicts one that is in dire need of repair and repaint...



And a details of some of the planks and one of the two doors... This "Chipping Medium" from Vallejo really gives a wonderfull result.



Well, that's all for this time. More to come later.


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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see something different. I have no knowledge about French steam era, but you freight train looks very good.


The building beside it has a lot of character too and looks superbly done. Is it a station building or a depot?


Your weathering of the Wills goods shed is really good. I use Vallejo too, so thanks for the tip about the "Chipping Medium", hadn't heard about that one before.

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Hi Mikkel,


That locomotive was in service prior to the late 30's (before the merging of the different companies in the SNCF), but some of them remained in service in the SNCF and lately ended as "privately owned" shunters.... That's what I wanted to depict.


The building in the background is a PLM (Paris Lyon M

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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic Ricky, those Vallejo links are very useful, many thanks!


So the building is a kit from MKB? Impressive., must look that up too. Maybe scope for a bit of conversion.

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Hi Mikkel,


Just look the MKB website. They propose their egraved & embossed brick & wood papers for scratchbuilders. I gonna buy some to build my own OO buildings from it (with HO 1/87 size bricks, they may even be more realistic than the classic 1/76th ones... )


Check here :

http://www.mkb-modelle.de/index.php?cPath=247_251 (embossed sheets - brick, wood, etc.)

http://www.mkb-modelle.de/index.php?cPath=247_259 (windows)

http://www.mkb-modelle.de/index.php?cPath=246_270 (Buildings HO Scale)

http://www.mkb-modelle.de/index.php?cPath=246_322 (Buildings 1/72 scale - Military)


Hope this will help you. I know the price per sheet is high, but they're the only one I know that provides the "Nord-Belge" brick layer (cross layer) that I am not able to find by Slaters and had till now to carve in PVC board (Pa-Light).




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