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FYN Yarmouth Station



Hello everyone, just a short introduction - I am the pround new owner of FYN's Yarmouth Railway Station.....It has been 60 years this month since it was last used as a station, and most recently it was a Youth Club run by the Isle of Wight Council.


Our plans are to return it to looking something close to what it was in its heyday, but with a new purpopse: A restaurant/tea room, with cycle hire right on the platform. We love the area, and the building has beautiful views over the marshes to the south, and we are thrilled to be able to bring it back to life....We also hope to bulid a replica signalbox to create a viewing platform over the bird sanctuary. While not a model railway as such, I think of it as a 12" to 1' scale replica...a life-size train set, if you like!


If anyone has photos of it from back in the day, or any images which might help in our reconstruction of it, we would be hugely appreciative.


I have already seen some great pics posted here, so thanks for the inspiration - Jules Russell







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Thanks very much for kind words of encouragement!....and the Disused Station site is great.... will keep people updated as we progress. Is there anyone you know of who has modelled stations of the FYN railway? I'd love to see a miniature version of ours.... Cheers, Jules

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