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Evening all, thought I better post an update on here! I've done a fair bit of work on the layout over the last couple of weeks in between job interviews (fingers crossed!), firstly I've removed the board that forms the short part of the L shaped baseboard, realised that in the end it just didn't look right, and removing it meant I could buy another bookcase to keep all my railway books and magazines on! So now the layout is just an 8'x2' rectangle, but its made life much easier in terms of layout planning.


Secondly I've managed to get a few more wagons finished off in terms of paint finish, most of them are now awaiting suitable transfers (or hand painting if I can't find suitable ones) and a dose of the weathering powders to make them look suitably grotty and light railway-esque.


Thirdly I've decided to have a go at making track from scratch, as Peco's code 124 bullhead track and points just doesn't really look like suitable light railway track. So I've taken a leaf out of Jim Read's blog ( http://www.rmweb.co....-light-railway/ ) and built my track from code 100 rail and cardboard sleepers, I think it looks quite good but it's going to take some time to make enough track for the layout...good job I find it quite therapeutic B)


To test my trackbuilding skills out I'm building a small diorama that depicts a station on a light railway with a couple of sidings, so far the track is down on this and the basis of the station platform has taken shape. I'm not too happy with the rear siding behind the platform and may remove this...we shall have to see. I also figured it would be a useful place to test out my scenery skills for making overgrown trackwork that was often a feature of light railways in their declining years.


Next, I've made a start on making my first point from scratch, using one of Jim Read's point plans that he very kindly sent me. I need to cut the rest of the sleepers out but so far I've stuck a couple of the normal length ones down (sorry but I have no clue as to point terminology!) and bent the curved rails roughly to shape, I've managed to file down one of the point blades and I just need to file down the corresponding section on the rail that it abuts to, never thought I'd be doing this let alone enjoying it! It's just been a case of oh why not, I'll give it a go and see how it turns out :D


And lastly, I've had a go at making some narrow gauge track using the offcuts from making the sleepers and Peco N gauge rails...another distraction but I do like narrow gauge railways as well ;) Plus it gives me somewhere to display some of my 0-16.5 models (or will do when I get around to finishing them :huh: )


Here's be the pictures :D



Trackwork...from left to right. Peco 0 gauge code 124 Bullhead rail. Handbuilt light railway track with card sleepers and code 100 rail. Handbuilt narrow gauge (0-16.5) track with Peco N gauge rails and card sleepers. The sleepers are cut from mounting card sold at most good arts and crafts shops.



Another view of the trackwork, in the background can be seen one of the recently completed wagons, a Slater's Midland Railway 8T 5 plank open, finished in Midland Railway livery. The narrow gauge wagon is one of the Smallbrook studio kits, this one being the Pentewan Railway open wagon, there's another one of these lurking in a drawer somewhere - I'll probably finish it in some sort of a grotty grey/brown livery one day.



Point construction! Basically what I've done so far, still a fair way to go but I'll get there...only another five or six to go after this one...eek :blink:



The diorama. I think I'm going to remove the siding behind the platform...thought it looked ok when I layed the track but now I'm not so sure, will probably replace it with a grassy bank and some shrubs...we want...a shrubbery! (Sorry been watching Monty Python!) The platform base is a bit of packing that I can't remember what it came with...possibly something from Ikea, but useful nonetheless. Just need to build the superstructure from mounting card now and then a station building...possibly something Colonel Stephens-esque...not so keen on the waiting shelter, maybe I should paint it and see how it looks.



Lastly another view of the diorama, with added train! Quite like this shot, with the recently completed Furness Railway brakevan at the end of the train, it just needs lettering adding now. There will be a raised milk loading section on the platform at this end...don't think the porter would be too happy trying to get the milkchurns into the milk van from this low down somehow!


Anyhows, thats be all for this evening.



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Neil its looking good, I caught the track making bug a while ago and have spent a lot of time making points fo others as well. I to find it therapeutic.


Last year we hired a cottage next to the Ffestinog railway, I came back with the bug and brought a couple of 0-16.5 locos and carriage. I have experimented with some track building.


I got some wooden coffee stirers from the golf club, stained them with wood stain. Used code 75 bull head rail with C&L chairs and stuck them to the sleepers with epoxy glue. Next try was to use C&L ( can use Peco) 7mm plastic sleepers, Peco code 82 flatbottom rail, Peco Pandrol chairs and Peco slide chairs (both 4mm scale) Others use cut down Bambi staples as spikes.


Great to see someone useing everyday items to scratch build items, takes me back to reading 1960's railway Modellers, please keep it up. Thought about adding a picture but only able to download them via the normal method

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Hayfield. Ah I do love the Ffestiniog Railway, only ever been once though and that was about 12 years ago now I think. Have a soft spot for the England Locos, especially in their early form without the rounded extension to the saddletank. I think the 0-16.5 feeder line will be freight only, though I will no doubt find an excuse to add the odd passenger carriage or so - directors carriage me thinks.


I had thought about using coffee stirrers, but decided against them as I already had the mounting board in stock and trying to work on a budget at the moment until I get a job (hopefully this is about to change soon as had a very successful interview on friday and just waiting to hear back - fingers crossed!). I'd looked at using code 75 rail, but decided that it looked too flimsy compared to the code 100 rail, and again code 100 was what I had in stock. I've just used bostick superglue to stick the rail to the sleepers, seems to work fairly well so far, guess it will be a case of only time will tell how well it all holds.

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