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Two steps forward and all that....

James Harrison


I thought progress was going too well with my Met electric, and then everything started to go wrong....


It turned out I'd managed, somehow, to get even the basic colour wrong! What looks like choclate brown in some photos looks deep red or even almost purple in others.... researching (which I should have done before I started painting) I found that the colour is actually a very deep red. Out with the brushes again :umbrage:


It was a simple job to rectify.... I broke out some burgundy paint and gave it a very thin wash over the body, removing most of the paint before it had a chance to dry. The result is a finish that like the prototype looks a very deep brown in some lights and a very deep red in others.


I managed to fit the interior in much the fashion as I described last week. It's basic in the extreme but looks convincing enough when glimpsed inside.




I found that the glazing supplied with the kit didn't fit very well. The window mouldings were very deep, whilst there was only about .25mm actually bearing onto the body... practically nothing to form a good strong joint. I kept the angled windows for the cab ends as they did fit pretty well, but replaced the others with some glue 'n' glaze.


Now I'm working on fitting the handrails, which is proving quite a long and tricky task. I can only do one or two rails a night without taxing my patience....



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I think the title of your blog sums up modelling in general for me! I do like that Met electric and I think the browny colour definitely looks more correct.


Looking forward to seeing this one finished and what else you might have in store for the 3D printers!

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Well I do have a drawing (somewhere!) of a Sam Fay, but I'm keeping that hush hush at the moment :D (Gads, that's a bit of a hint!).  Just depends if I can get Sketchup to play nice.  I'd quite like to do some GCR fish vans to go with my Fish engine too.   


But that's quite some way off in the future, I've got enough projects lying around the place either half finished or not even begun to keep me going for a few years yet.... at last count there were 9 engines, a Metropolitan EMU and about 20 carriages to work through.   


Interestingly the glue 'n' glaze I mentioned seems happier doing spectacle plates for steam locos than it does larger areas of glass on electrics- I've just done pretty much all of my hackbash steam locos in one go and it only took about half the time it did to do half the windows on the Met engine.   

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That looks good! I do like that, always good to add additional details... even though you won't see much of them but least you know they are there.
 Good news though the Met coaches are progressing slowly..... although I keep getting distracted by other things.... damn that LNER saloon....
Anyway looks smashing, I have a few shots of sarah Siddons from steam on the met so if you need any let me know... think I may have a couple.

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Glad to hear that BMR.  I bought some Ashbury stock about six months ago (a card kit from CDC models), but they'll need a heck of a lot of work to get it to the point where I'll be happy with them- for one thing I'd want to roll the coach sides to get the tumblehome, and for another I'd want to scan the drawings (if thats legal what with copyright) and then use my scanned copies to build up the panelling.  Good thing with 3D printing of course is that the detail is in 3D! 


LNER saloon you say? Would that be their GNR Directors' saloon?  Can't wait to see it!


Thanks for the offer of sharing photos- if I run into difficulties of the 'well what happens there?' sort I'll let you know. 

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Card kit Ashbury's.... never heard of those interesting, I would imagine a heck of a lot of work plus to get them stable and useable would be a challenge...
Yes I guess with Card you can get the 3D to get all the mouldings with various layers... still not to sure on card kits for coaches... but yes I think the 3D stuff will be a big thing to get more bespoke or difficult to get rolling stock.

I said LNER.... did I say saloon... well bit of a give away I suppose, the body is pretty much done which im happy with, the roof is done apart from the top lights which I hope to sort out in the next week or so, roof vents are the same on the side of the top lights to the Mets the others are the oval squashed type, but should see something end of the month. it looks quite good already.. plus using Hornbys Gresley bogies... thank the lord haha... was a night mare doing the Met ones.


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Quite apart from copyright, scan/copy may well result in slight variations in size, so the panel overlay may not match the underlying layer , never mind the variation in colour tone and density/finish . You may be better off just buying a second kit - I reckon there's enough extra parts in the kit to overlay one brake vehicle but that's as far as you'd get without extra material.


I've got a StreetLevel Ashburys kit myself as my Streetlevel cardboard Met Bo-Bo can't cope with 2 Ratio coach kits at 100g each (should have added more lead inside the loco). Bogies on the Ashburys seem to be drawn as 7' wheelbase - 247 do a cast whitemetal GW 7' bogie which looks close and would supply useful weight as well as getting it very low down . But this is a very long way down my very long "to do" list....

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I look forward to seeing it then BMR, sounds like things are going well. 


Now why didn't I think of just buying a second kit?  Thanks Ravenser, yet again I've been saved from my own folly :D  I shall look up these 7' bogies too.  Like your set mine is a fair way down the list of projects, I'd want ideally to get my GCR/ LNER rakes out of the way first and I've got about 20 carriages (making up 4 or 5 rakes!) to get through....

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