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Diorama design – social media

Job's Modelling


For the building of my diorama’s I do a lot of research on internet. For railway modellers there is a lot of information available.


My main interest in railway modelling is freight traffic and the social history of the period that I’m building, the late 1950’s. To give a right impression the use of daily live pictures is most important. Luckily I have found a lot of beautiful websites with a lot of pictures.


But what about social media you could ask now. The most frequently social medium I use is the RMweb. Like to get inspired by other railway modellers and read about how the do their modelling.


The only other social medium I use is Facebook with a limited of “friends”. But lately I discovered that it could also useful to get information for building of my diorama’s. But there was also a lot of information which could be useful for some of you to find some time based information. Two groups I’m following at this moment on Facebook:


Ghost Signs U.K.

Hammersmith Palais Old Skool

On my journey through the pictures of the last mentioned group there is a lot of time based information to find. To give you an impression below just some pictures.



1910 - GWR Parcel van



1933 - West Bromton Station



1951 - Kensal Road

This would be a nice urban scene.



1960 - London Totters yard

Such pictures give my information about the possibilities for modelling a horse and cart.


Luckily temperature is now down in the Netherlands so I can go one with Northall Dock. In my next entry some progress on my road modelling.


I hope you like this kind of information.




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  • RMweb Gold

Wonderful shots, Job, thanks for sharing them! I will have a look at the groups you suggest, many thanks.

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As shown in the comments of your last entry of Farthing we need pictures as a guide for our modeling.

I use them mostly as a reference, not to copy them exactly into a model.

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