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Northall Dock - Street furniture

Job's Modelling


Before I can finish the building of Fanshawe Ltd. I must decide what wall based street furniture I want to use.


I spend a lot of time behind my PC searching for street names for Northall Dock.

For Greater London there are several options. See the picture below.




On Flickr there is a London Street Name Pool with a lot of pictures. I could skip all those modern type street name signs.


I also tried to find names that refer to the scene of Northall Dock.


For Northall Dock I will use the blue enamel signs. Not all street name signs are from Greater London, but they are blue enamel. After finding the picture I had to do some photo shopping to cut out the street names and resize them. I Used the brick height as a guide that means that the signs are 2 or 4 mm high in 4 mm.


I chose for Northall Dock the following names and signs:




Anchor Street will be used for the road along the warehouses.

Canal Street for the alley between the buildings of Farnshaw Ltd and Roope & Voss.

Waterford Road for the street along the cottage.

The hydrant sign on the building of Roope & Voss.

The “Bill stickers” sign in the alley.


Next time again some modeling progress.







Today I had some time to model.

And because I'm working on the premises of Fanshawe Ltd. I decided to put the name sign and the Bill Posters side on the side wall.

I also created with the help of Publisher the Bill Posters is innocent "graffito" on the wall.

Maybe not all perfect on the picture it will do in the diorama as later pictures will show.


blogentry-11675-0-71322800-1380473038.jpg blogentry-11675-0-39508500-1380473073.jpg


Hope you like my Post Scrip-tum.



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Yes, the Bill stickers signs and several variants used to be quite common and, because "Bill Stickers" sounds like it could be someone's name, writing "Bill Stickers is innocent" nearby was quite widespread. Here's one example, another variant is "Bill Posters..." and this page claims the first instance of the joke in the 1880s.



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Hi Job, that's a nice choice, I can see how the blue signs will fit the style very nicely. It is this kind of attention to detail that makes your models so convincing. 




I looked at the link and it is a nice idea. Thanks for that one.

I'll keep it in mind. I don't want to over do it with details.

I already have planned a lot of small details around the crossing between the alley and the road along the warehouses.

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Yes, the Bill stickers signs and several variants used to be quite common and, because "Bill Stickers" sounds like it could be someone's name, writing "Bill Stickers is innocent" nearby was quite widespread. Here's one example, another variant is "Bill Posters..." and this page claims the first instance of the joke in the 1880s.




Thank Nick,


Still learning from the members of the RMweb and getting good suggestions. 

As mentioned before I'll keep it in mind. 



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I went to college with a William Sticker's. When he saw sign's saying Bill Stickers will be prosecuted, he was not amused.



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I went to college with a William Sticker's. When he saw sign's saying Bill Stickers will be prosecuted, he was not amused.




I can believe that. 

Because English isn't my first language I didn't see that you could read Bill Stickers as a name.

You convinced me to put a graffito "Bill Stickers is innocent" on the wall. 

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