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Northall Dock – Clay tiled roof compromise

Job's Modelling


I decided to finish the cottage in the front of the diorama first.

Added the street name sign on the building and a drain pipe.


For the roof I had a look at several slate and red clay tile options. In the front of the diorama I try to use whenever possible light colours. The grey slate tiles I found didn’t look right to me so I choose the red clay tiles from Wordsworth Models (free download).

I also first searched for some background information and read it.


I wanted to give the roof an old look. To create a convincing appearance a looked for a picture on the website of CG textures. See picture below.




Then I did pick out a row that I wanted to model.

I carefully tried to make the row cutting and adding individual tiles.




Then I cut it on rows of two tiles high.




And then I come to the compromise. If I wanted to create a roof as on the reference picture I had to create it with individual tiles. But I wanted to use the tiles texture from Wordsworth. Then you have to glue them somewhat over each other.




In this way I laid all the tiles on the roof.

On the reference picture you can see there is a line of cement below the top edge.

I tried to model this with a Scalescenes concrete backyard floor tearing the texture carefully in an almost straight line.




After I glued this in place and I added the top tiles individually, the roof was ready.


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And finally a pictures of the cottage details and a picture of the finished cottage on the layout.

After making and seeing this picture I decided to create a simple background model behind the cottage.


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Recommended Comments

Brilliant observation and modeling again, Job.


Thanks Mike for the compliment.

Still learning every time a start a new "project".

For creating a roof like this I'm glad I can find a reference picture.

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Superb piece of modelling, I have yet to tackle producing a roof that way, I'm not sure I've got the patience!

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Superb piece of modelling, I have yet to tackle producing a roof that way, I'm not sure I've got the patience!


Thanks Jules.

I only model the side that you see this way and the top of the other side.

The other side is just the clay roof texture for the color.

One of the things I learned in the past.

What kind of material you are making your roof off ?

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My jaw is dragging along the floor yet again at the atmosphere you seem to create in every building.

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My jaw is dragging along the floor yet again at the atmosphere you seem to create in every building.


I'm just doing my best.

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