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James Harrison


Since my last update, finally getting a decent result for a Robinson matchboard carriage, I've been quite busy. The intention is to rebuild all four of my matchboard carriages in one go, and so far I've completed two and got a third roughly half-way finished.


Yesterday progress on these came to a halt when the postman delivered a copy of W.A. Tuplin's 'Great Central Steam'. A quick flick through brought me to the obligatory centre pages of illustrations, complete with line drawings of locos considered but never built.


Now the 'Super Sam Fay' and the 'Super Director' left me feeling quite ill. To my eye the fine lines of the original builds would have been comprehensively ruined if rebuilt with longer, larger, 200psi boilers and more substantial frames. What really got my attention and excited me was the proposed but never built Gorton mogul. 5'8'' drivers with a coupled wheelbase 7'6'' + 8'6'' paired up with the boiler from a Director.


Now then, who has ever made a model 5'8'' wheeled mogul.... ah, yes, Mainline made one. Does it match? No, not quite.... the 43xx wheelbase is 7'0'' + 7'9''....


So, 7mm out at 4mm scale. Still, as it was never built who is to say it would be wrong?


And of course, to build this would set a precedent to build the neverwazza early 1920s Robinson pacific....


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I'll merely say this.  I've bought a 43xx and have an old Dapol Schools in bits somewhere (the Schools has a boiler of the same diameter and length of the Directors).

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I'll merely say this.  I've bought a 43xx and have an old Dapol Schools in bits somewhere (the Schools has a boiler of the same diameter and length of the Directors).

Uh oh...;)

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As for the pacific, I think a B12 chassis (gosh, I use an awful lot of those....) might be useful for the wheel spacing and diameter, with a stretched version of the B4 for a body. 


I think the mogul might possibly leapfrog everything else on the 2014 programme somehow.

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does that book have any mention of any garrets? I remember reading somewhere that there was a proposal for a small fleet of them that would have been 2 of mr robbinsons 2-8-0 bank to back . this was before a certain 3 cylinder man from the GNR got involved .

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Yes!  It's a 2-8-0-0-8-2, but not as we know it.... rather an 0-8-2-2-8-0 with the pony trucks merged into a single bogie below two tank engines back to back.... a real monster....

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Yes!  It's a 2-8-0-0-8-2, but not as we know it.... rather an 0-8-2-2-8-0 with the pony trucks merged into a single bogie below two tank engines back to back.... a real monster....

Hmmm...I'd love to see that!

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As the book is OOP and dates back to the 1960s, I shouldn't think there would be much of an issue with copyright.  I'll check up on that and if all seems clear I'll upload some scans. 

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