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Grand Plans



A scale plan has now been produced to see what can be squeezed into the area available. As hoped the whole bridge will fit onto the 4'6" long board without any compression being needed:




I'm still undecided whether to have fiddle yards at each end or to make it a continuous run with loops. The latter would allow for some of the longer loco hauled services seen occasionally on this stretch to be modelled, however I was hoping to leave the main scenic section viewable from either side. Some more thought required on this I think!


Following the thread on the old RMweb about using 2mm scale easitrack I've decided to go down this route for the scenic part so the next step is to send off the membership form & order!



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Im looking at making a very similar 'bridge diorama' setup. My cunning plan, is to have the 'bridge board' bit as a lift out module, which can be hung on my wall in a semi permanent kind of way, with a fiddle yard at each end (which as with you, will only let me have shorter trains), but to make a 'travelling' oval loop setup if the layout is ever exhibited.

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