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It was worth the wait - P2 arrives at last

Matthew Cousins


Friend Peter has at last finished the P2 after 5 years of struggle!

We decided, after his suggestion that my purchase of a kit to make 2002 in it's original form, would be best transformed into the streamlined form that it spent most of its life as a 2-8-2 in.

Having made that decision, I then felt that 2001 had a better name!

The front end is mostly scratch built having decided that some A4 parts weren't right the kit manufacturer offered some parts of the streamlined kit that he was developing, but the chimney was not adequate and so on.....

The chassis is a JPL models one with decoration details from the Ace kit.

Much fettling and modification has had to be done and Peter handed me the result on Saturday muttering words like ..never again....

The result is just great, although running in and some fault finding with the very long wheelbase still is to be done, but the loco is just stunning looking - thanks Peter!


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Glad that you like it, can't wait for him to tackle the Peppercorn A1 in BR blue! I'm doing the reverse of the Tornado boys I got the P2 built first!

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It looks stunning Matthew; I'll await the invite for the inaugural passenger run around the garden ;-)

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Matthew That looks great. I hope your friend Peter is still uour friend!!!

Hi, Yes, Peter has fortunately kept a sense of humour, but will never touch a P2 again I think, so I compensated with buying a top class kit (David Andrews Peppercorn A1) for him to build next, which he says goes together just fine. Mind you, I have also given him the parts of a P1 that I got so far with, then felt it deserved a better builder than me! - I'm too busy painting anyway!

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It looks superb Matthew,  well worth the wait.


Another one of my long term desires..... but I had a best build some of what I have first.

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