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Bachmann GWR 43xx DCC conversion



Spent pretty much all of yesterday afternoon converting a Bachmann 43xx to DCC - what a horrible fiddly job. To make matters worse one of the decoder wires decided to part company with the chip (Hornby) - and those soldering pads are tiny! The split chassis meant that it wasn't an easy thing to do, and I had to be reasonably 'creative' with the solution but I got there in the end.


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Care to share just how you did it?


I've an old Bachmann 43xx and Manor that will at some point require conversion, so it'd be great to find out how you did it.

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IMG 0759smaller

This a general view of the work. The chip is hidden under a wrapper of insulation tape. The Hornby chip will fit without any modification to the loco.


IMG 0760smaller

The motor end. You need to remove the tiny springs that touch the motor terminals, solder wires to the terminals and make sure that the bare wires do not short out anything. I used heat shrink and insulating tape.


IMG 0762smaller

Solving the split chassis problem. Loops of wire were soldered to the shortened ends of the chip wires. These could then be held in place by the plastic chassis studs. The sequence was then chassis half, 'black' loop, cardboard spacer, 'red' loop, chassis half. This assembly replaces the plastic washer that is normally present.
Any questions, just ask. 


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