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Since the last report, work has progressed on Fredrichstrasse. Now we have the first circuit of track laid out. :)


The station area will be a four-track line, reducing to double-track on the side boards leading into the fiddle yard. The first track to be laid is the outer line; track 1. There will be a platform between this and track 2; likewise between track 3 and 4. In addition, there will be two S-Bahn lines forming the innermost tracks.


Jumping the gun a little perhaps, but a hasty rigging up of the club's controller to one of the board sections saw some trains running; albeit only for a short distance. First up was a Roco V220 diesel; most in-keeping with the layout's setting. Not so in-keeping is the Kernow Connex class 205, which had it's first outing (runs beautifully I might add; just needs a sound chip for that true 'Thumpertastic' experience!)


Our lovely assistant sits in the station area. The course of the river is in the foreground, which will be crossed by a pair of bridges; one for the S-Bahn and the other for the main lines. The platforms will extend partly across the bridge.




The 205 looks quite good on the high-level station. The suggestion has been made that a nice little bit of third-rail may not do any harm! South London in the 1990s perhaps?



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