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April Fools...



1st of April - an auspicious date for getting my layout construction underway again. :-)


It's been a month since my housemove so the first challenge is to find all the layout components; they were all stacked together in the spare bedroom when the movers turned up, but are now all strewn across the garge, conservatory and who knows where else.


Having eventually found the ziplock bag with the wing nuts, bolts and washers, Jubilee Point is soon standing again:








Trackwork is 12mm gauge Tillig "Modellgleis" from Germany, the class 40 Whistler is my current construction project, an etched brass and whitemetal kit produced by the 3mm Society, and the signalbox is scratchbuilt from plasticard sheet and based on the BR London Midland Region type 15 design.


I didn't get much further than the basic baseboard construction in my last house, two boards of 50cm x 50" on a lightweight support structure designed to be modular and portable. With one thing and another the events of "real life" have been a distraction in the past 3 months resulting in little or no progress, hopefully a blog will keep me motivated....

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