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2301- Research & Reference Photographs



I always get an extra buzz seeing a preserved locomotive that spent some or most of its working life on the Cambrian, especially if it's one I plan to feature in the works. 2516 is up there at the top of the list along with Cambrian stalwarts such as 9017, 7802, 7808, well any Manor to be honest!


During the few days I spent working in Swindon this week I was able to spend an evening walking around the works, what's left of it, and the McArthur Glen Outlet centre. The whole experience left me feeling quite jaded and depressed. I don't like shopping centres at the best of times, walking around those halls which were occupied by such artisans and craftsmen of the GWR, now replaced with corporate sterility with barely a reference to the past was a bit too much. In fact if you look at the website for the centre there is no mention of the history of the buildings whatsoever. There are about 5 overhead cranes left in situ and other items of heavy machinery flanked by fashion manikins. It left a hollow feeling, seeing a site of industrial heritage occupied by such icons of consumerism. At least its all still there I guess!


The town centre isn't much better, within a few minutes walk of the hotel there were 5 types of cash converters, 4 betting shops and numerous closed up shop fronts, soon to be betting shops no doubt. The place felt desperate and was in stark contrast to the towns history of caring for its employees welfare. Seeing the derelict Mechanics Institute was enough for me and I headed back to the hotel under a cloud! Some pictures are here for those who wish to make up their own mind, I might have painted too black a picture.


Anyway, enough gloom... STEAM at least was very enjoyable and seeing Caerphilly Castle, 2516 and Ditcheat Manor. Ditcheat Manor looked fantastic in BR Lined Black, I've seen a photo of her at Oswestry delivered brand new fresh from the works in the same condition. Another to add to the list...!


2516 is presented in a slightly odd format, with the tender separated and a walkway around one side. It does however mean you can get a good look inside the frames an in the cab, but its a shame the tender is separated. During the period I'll be modelling, by this time only 2516 and 2538 were still active on the Cambrian. 2516 was also during this period repainted into GWR Green for use on railtours, though I've not yet been able to ascertain when and for how long.





1. R/H Profile



2. Bufferbeam and smokebox



3. Reversing lever and inside motion



4. Some kind of drain under the firebox?



5. Pipework under the R/H cab step




13976533697_c568a79455_c.jpg 14159763131_42db7f8975_c.jpg


7. Cab





8. L/H Profile






10. Cab details



11. Inside motion (surely a reason to invest in a High Level Chassis!)







12. Bufferbeam



13. Smokebox



14. Tender



15. Toolbox and water gauge



16. Toolbox and fireirons



17. Tender



18. Tender Bufferbeam



Full set here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/cambrian_al/sets/72157644213689338/

Edited by alanbuttler

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Hi Alan,


The 'drain' under the firebox is the blowdown valve used to assist the removal of the mud and other particulates that are boiled out of the water. It forces the gunk out under boiler pressure. It can also be used when cold to assist in emptying the boiler come wash out time although pulling the mud hole doors and wash out plugs out help too!


The pipework under the cab step is the overflow for the injector and the injector itself is the brass lump visible behind the driving wheel.


I hope this helps!


All the best,



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Some really useful detail shots. Really high quality stuff here.


Quite revealing, in a way, how corrosion can affect even a static museum exhibit kept indoors.

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The smokebox door is so close to the buffer beam!  Those lamp irons stick out in front.


Shame the tender is separated, they've done the same with 46235 City of Birmingham at the "StinkTank".  In the interests of education maybe but the profile of a tender locomotive should be aesthetically correct, the way the designers intended!


Lovely photos, by the way.

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Thanks Castle for the clarification.  I did get some others of the injector but it was quite hard to get a clear shot down there!


Thanks for the comments gents, hope can be of use to others.  

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Alan, your photos are coming in very handy, I have just collected together all the parts to make Dean Goods for the Shipston Branch. Basically the Hornby plastic on a Comet chassis, following Geoff Brewin's advice for motor and gearbox, etc.


The tender photo is particularly useful as I intend to get rid of the mountain of plastic coal that covers the Hornby tender drive mechanism. Some careful surgery followed by a flat floor of plasticard should do the trick. Of course some real coal will cover the modification.


But I think I need to visit Steam as well. Thanks for posting the photos.

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