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Empire Mills at the MRC Open Day



Well, the MRC open day was a success!!!!!


It was, in fact a very enjoyable day - if hard work - and many people stopped by to chat about the wider layout project, Empire Mills as currently displayed, or AJ couplings (must do a post about these sometime soon as it the thing that got the most interest on the day).


In fact it has to be said that any problems that were seen on the day were down to one of two problems:


1) finger trouble - ie the pressing of the wrong uncoupling magnet switch, followed by repeated shuffling of a cut of wagons over the correct magnet whilst wondering loudly and with increasing recourse to vernacular expressions why the couplings aren't working, followed by a realisation of the error and a sheepish expression, or a determined attempt to brazen away one's mistake. Another variation on this theme is the operation of the wrong point lever with the resulting derailment, shorting out of the DCC system, and yet more vernacular language.


2) Brain trouble - this had by far and away the most serious operating impact on the layout. The operator, who shall remain nameless (but in honour of the clear traditions of this blog, Gareth must be blamed), forgets that having designed the layout does not actually mean he can shunt it effectively, resulting in baffled expressions, some quite horrendous shunting snarl-ups, and extremely circuitous methods of carrying out the outwardly simple task of exchanging full wagons for empty ones (or vice versa). In turn, this leads to some patronising, if well meaning, but certainly heartfelt, comments by the exhibition-hardened members of the team, who were showing off their shunting abilities on the neighbouring 2mm F/S 'Caledonian Road Goods Yard', about a certain layout group co-leader's skills levels and operating abilities etc etc etc.



The nameless operator (and he who designed the track plan) winning his dunce hat.


Anyway, back to day dreaming about getting to ExpoEM this Saturday, rolling stock production, or blaming Gareth - it's a toss up between the three as to which is more fun.. :laugh:



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