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Home Alone (again) Day Two



First on the list today was to get the signal operating wires fitted to the centre board. This was done by lunchtime although I ran out of wire so one run from one end of the board to the other will have to be fitted at a later date. Andrew at Wizard Models had kindly agreed to swap a spare pack of rodding for another pack of wire - top man :)




I've also got the black paint on the woodwork for the left hand board, so that is currently in the "paint drying annex" ready for tomorrow.


This afternoon my thoughts turned to some scenics. Starting with adding the fencing and then progressing to two very different grass finishes. First I did the "lawn" area outside the camping coach. I used three different shades of fibres to try to get some variation, although it is subtle




either side of this area is scrubland so a very different finish was achieved using horsehair and that foam scatter plus some very nice brown fibrous material bought from Wycrail last year. Various shades of fibres were added over the top to blend it all in.








I've also added the sheep that have escaped from the neighboring field, along with a railway worker trying to shoo them back!


Tomorrow track weathering and more static grass :)




been playing with some stock and tried the camping coach out next to it's new lawn area :)





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