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All set for first exhibition!





Well that is what I keep telling myself! Having completely ignored any domestic or work duties for the last five days I may have it cracked. Got wagons (most of them work), got locos (most of them work). got the layout (most of it works) - are you getting a picture here? I just did not have enough time for the exhaustive running session I promised myself so will just have to wing it.


Car is ready outside with top box fitted (that is a story for another day), and everything is ready for loading in the morning - and what a pile it is! Am very glad I don't have a passenger to take.


One thing that I must mention, although will leave names out for now, is the massive amount of support and assistance I have had, sometimes from complete strangers, in getting this far. Also, the support from various traders who have come up with the goods bang on time. They all know who they are and a great big THANK YOU from me.


Guess I ought to get some sleep now, although it won't be much. If you do make it to Apedale this weekend do come and say hello http://www.ww1-event.org/



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