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Jock67B last won the day on December 17 2015

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  • Location
    Clacton on Sea
  • Interests
    Recently retired due to illness and so hope to start modelling again after 34 years gap. Want to model Hurlford MPD of the GSWR as dad was a driver there in the 50's and I lived in the 'Blocks' by the shed for a time.

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  1. Hi all Rm web users, it's jocks 67b granddaughter here.. we have been spending time this last year trying to access this account to able to veiw this very thoughtful blog that was set up in Jack's memory.. Joanna is getting through she still has her struggles and battles she has revived a lovely Christmas card from one of the members. I was wondering if people would be able to contact her via text message so she doesn't lose contact with u again..and can keep dips on who is who through text Joanna number is 07745 995915 Or email emma_louise1989@live.co.uk Many thanks & well wishes Joanna and family
  2. Morning all, A quick look in before going to the Colchester General hospital, my office has certainly never looked that good! Alan,(Shedman5) and accommodates a layout as well! Ian(OD), I hope I read nothing but good news about Alison when I look in later, and of course, a safe journey back to Blighty! I wonder if all the timings will fit - time will tell! Kind regards, Jock.
  3. Evening all, Short tale from NYC, after Pete (trisonic) - my late naturalised US citizen brother, I think to impress more than anything, flew us in to NYC using Teterboro, explaining that some school kids went that way. Our complete trip finished in a limo to visit the various sites such as 'Mama Leone's' and Rumplemiors. He obviously paid himself way too much, although sadly it isn't much good to him now. Sadly his life stayed as one big show event and I am not sure I would ever like to live that kind of lifestyle! Hope everyone is keeping fit and well,trying to look in tomorrow for an update. Collar check first, followed by Chemo check! Kind regards to all later, Kind regards, Jock.
  4. Morning all, Just read about the bad news surrounding 'Alison's' health, bringing a scare to her and Ian and Sherry alike. Let's hope that the final outcome is a good one as they are truly an example of how good neighbours can work together! Someone mentioned the legal requirement to micro-chip dogs later this year, which I have wholeheartedly supported since we had Archie 'done' soon after we bought him as a pedigree little bundle of fur! We suffer quite badly from anonymous dogs in this area, very often of the 'bull terrier' type and there are records of maulings and the like, but very little chance of catching the owner with the anonymity! Guy Martin has just managed to post another 2wheel World Record, this time on the 'Wall of Death'- he really does not know the word 'fear' and we should be really be proud of his exploits in my opinion. We got off fairly lightly with storm damage this time, unlike the visible damage elsewhere, even in our own street. We had a couple of large columnar Bay bushes which had their pots cracked or smashed, but luckily, two smaller ones that were being swamped so we simply donated the large ones to Son in law, and will get two suitable pots for the replacement ones. Physically, one of the bottom panes of glass was smashed in the greenhouse, but this isn't really a big issue as there is a glaziers around the corner that sells the standard sizes of pane, and I have plenty of fitting clips and the like so it sounds like another task for number one grandson! With best wishes for good health offered to all, and continued improvement, Kind regards, Jock.
  5. Well hello all, Good evening to the daftest trick of my many years, after I had visited this afternoon (Last of several visits to pull us home!). I had the latest type of pants fitted which seem quite clever but had no idea the fit wouldn't quite do just that, allowing them to literally explode as I approached the bathroom, holding on to my load, only to lose it ! We had an awful stench and feeling of I'm let down in the morning, so now we await this morning's results. Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night Owls!
  6. Evening all., Just as sleepy as before so I'll take me off to the pudding! Have discovered that I've 'won' a nice example of a 2P 4-4-0 to pull the suburban non corridors from Dapol I've been chasing. Dick, I seem to remember a link in the Great British Locomotives thread where you mentioned a list of car paints and related them to the original Humbrol numbers such as 33, Humbrol 'Matt Black' or Humbrol No. 32, 'Matt Slate Grey'. Does anyone know how far those minute cans stretch? Speak more in the morning, Happy Easter, and thoroughly enjoy the egg you recieve! Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night Owls!
  7. I'm falling asleep here now so I suppose to start no more new on their ER site later, an try to post tomorrow as I am totally knacker*d at the moment. Just too too tired! Kind regards, Jock!
  8. Morning all, It would appear that I fell asleep last night as I attempted to post - tiredness catching up with me? Mick(NB), all these large companies were good 'seed beds' where lessons of a lifetime were learned. Luckily for me, my father was well versed in the metal working arts and spent many hours teaching me how to braze, solder, weld etc. before being let loose on the work-force at W. C. French Plant depot! I can still remember being exhorted to make the area of the joint clean, don't forget the flux and the like! Mark you, the most welding that got done whilst laying a few more layers of 'hard metal' on to the segments of caterpillar track. As your post would support, lessons learned back then, have stayed learned! Andy(leopard), I'm glad to read that the recovery continues apace, and I hope it continues to do so. I hope anyone else who feels off colour at the moment is soon to be better, and let's hope our world becomes a safer place by standing against these cowardly misfits! Kind regards, Jock.
  9. Evening all, Somewhere here or elsewhere, I kept to a tale about a stroke of luck I have had, with loads of earth etc.on my proposed Dapol coach builds. Whilst looking at the fine workmanship of the late Derek Cross, I noticed that so many of his photos contained more than one type of coach, and at times the different liveries were also mixed, particularly when a rake was being returned empty! There were also occasions where LNER stock had been left over here after a day at the Ayr races! The kind help offered by Jonathan he known as (Rowley17D) I could of course simply apply 'Rule1'and enjoy myself playing trains as I never have enjoyed being a rivet counter. Let the fun commence once I'm able to get a new self healing cutting Mat, and the required Humbrol paint as well as some weathering powders. Kind regards, Jock. Good luck with health issues and G'night Pete! G'night also the Owls which I feel like right now!
  10. Afternoon Jonathan, I notice from the particular era I am considering modelling, that the different types and even liveries are sometimes mixed up, which gives further interest. Evidence for this is to be found in many of Derek Cross's excellent carriage photos, especially where mixed rakes are seen being returned empty, and some even have LNER stock that got abandoned from a cross country working! Plenty of room for fun there then, and at the end of the day, I can play to the extent which takes my fancy - Rule1? I'm beginning to enjoy this now. I have a pack of axles with Hornby metal 14.1mm Dia. wheels - what made you choose the complete bogies at roughly £6.56 in preference? And did you note that I might have to cut a little rebate to accommodate the diameter? Thank you so much for all your assistance to date, I have found following the old thread back through completely fascinating! Kind regards, Jock.
  11. Evening all,Really tired at the moment, but quite happy to see the 'butcher bird' as we suffer from a surfeit of pigeons and doves in this area which often nest some three plus times per annum. Useful fodder for the off season fishermen who often feed on them! I hope to get the good night's sleep again again tonight as I feel I deserve one. I've asked in the relative link/thread what size wheels are correct and if the bogies that Rowsley17D fits give a better performance and have steel wheels, also what diameter the,wheels actually are? Good luck to one and all on the health front for the morning, and continued steps in the right direction for all, Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night owls!
  12. Hi Jonathan,Thanks for the help folks, can anyone help with the diameter, make etc of wheels as I do prefer metal ones on my coaches? Do the Bachmann bogies you refer to have metal wheels and do they run better?Kind regards, Jock67B.
  13. Evening all, As I feel totally whacked now, I'm off to (Try to sleep) and will attempt a post in the morning. Quite a bit to cope with tomorrow which I will talk about then, we shall run over at the time. Hope everyone manages to get a good sleep, and hears the alarm, which I didn't this morning. Good luck for those unwell alongst us, and good night one and all. Hope all feel better by morning, Kind regards, Jock. G'night Pete! G'night insomniacs
  14. Morning all, I truly must have been very tired last night as I slept through the alarm this morning, not even hearing young Freddie who had decided he would refer the comfort of adults for another night! I heard nothing until Joanna gently shook my shoulder at c. 7.28am. 108, Catching up here and there, I have to say that attending the funeral of the daughter of a good friend, whilst mourning the passing of the actor Frank Kelly, one of Crelly island's famous incumbents, doesn't make for a famous St Patrick's day. Duncan, I'm sorry to hear that you could miss the Ally Pally show due to feeling bad. Those who did go and had a nice meet up, I really hope that it was enjoyable and would have been very good to put the world to rights with like minded people. Lots of other smaller shows have also been mentioned and I'm sure they were equally as important to those who visited. My kind of sport began today, that being the F1, and World Superbikes, but I won't become a result spoiler! Dave, TG, what a lovely set of images of the rebuilt lock gates at Chedleton! I wish those who need it, luck on the health front, and shall probably take 'forty winks' whilst Joanna has a quick visit to the shops, dropping Freddie off en route home - he elected to stay another night as he seems to enjoy adult company although only four and a half years old. Try to lurk and post later, Kind regards, Jock.
  15. Very tired tonight so a post forthcoming tomorrow more likely! Best wishes to anyone in pieces in the hard shoulder for this moment awaiting surgery! I'll dream something up in this night's dream perhaps Kind regards Jock. G'night Pete! Gout a chicken for supper!
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