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Foster Street - What Comes in Ten Portions, Covered in Crackling and Smells of Pork (Yes its my Fingers)



Well I am typing this entry with poorly, burnt fingers, I had some time today to spend on the layout and so I tackled the re-working of the storage yard, and that meant I had to use the tool from hell, yes a soldering iron.


No matter how often I use the dammed things they always seem to get the better of me, all I needed one for today was to solder the track to brass pins acoss board joints for the storage yard. With a little jiggery pokery I managed to fit in a total of 9 tracks in the storage yard, 4 for the Up line and 5 for the down. This meant that I would have 9 tracks requiring 72 soldered joints across the storage yard.


How hard could that be, I mean what could possibly go wrong? :) Well I will tell you I have now discovered something that smells worst than flux, even worst that Lynx Africa deodorant, its the smell of my fingers slowly roasting.


After completing 36 joints I gave up, but at least half the storage yard is completed, all I have to do now is the other half of it and the dead end sidings for the branch line.


The problem now is that the storage loops look rather big, they are nearly 6 foot long, that means very long trains, in fact very, very long trains, now all I need to do is decide upon what trains to fill the storage loops with fir its first exhibition outing?


Please your suggestions will be very welcome, as what type of trains would you be happy to see at exhibition? Until the next time As always Happy Modelling :)

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Those green engined ones would look good.

I hope your not referring to those terrible GWR things....???????

(I must admit my Castle's may get to stretch their legs when nobody is looking of course)

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I wish I had incorporated one of these into my layout :(


Good work! :)

I must admit I use to think they were just a waste of space, but eventually I saw the light, you will have to post pictures of your layout

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