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Layout - Fisherton Sarum - post Warley



Well I think I have just about recovered from exhibiting at the Warley show last weekend (my third exhibition in three consecutive weeks with three different layouts!). From my perspective the show went well and from what I could see (although I did not manage to get around the whole show and see everything) the overall standard of layouts appeared to be very high and perhaps an improvement of previous years.


I am indebted to my operating team which comprised of my dad, Mark (GWMark on here) his son Daniel, Alan and his son Simon (St. Simon on here) for their time and company over the weekend ensuring that there generally was always movement on the layout somewhere at all times, so many many thanks guys.


It was good to meet many members from here who came and said hello along with also those from the Semg too.


Despite the major changes in temperature in the hall, especially between the Friday set up and the Saturday morning, the layout seemed to perform OK although one track alignment (not quite sure how it could only have been one) did play up a little and caused a couple of derailments (so sorry if you were watching or more often the case videoing at the time!) but comments received about the layout were positive and lots of questions were being asked which is always nice, I for one enjoy the interaction with the visitors to the show and consider it part of the experience of exhibiting.


It is of course nice to be able to unload the vehicle at the position you layout is going to be, once the car that was parked in my layout space was moved, however at the end of the show things were more chaotic and less controlled but I still managed to get the layout packed up and loaded to allow me to leave the NEC within 55 minutes of the show closing. If the visitors to the show were not impressed by the lighting in the hall during opening times think yourself lucky as during set up and packing up they switch half the lights off (which makes hunting for that nut that you have just dropped even harder)!


So would I do it again? Well yes, which is probably a good thing to say as I am there again next year with the High Wycombe and District MRS layout Hinton Parva


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Hi Graham,


It was a fantastic weekend and can't wait to do it with Hinton Parva


It makes me hungry just thinking about the food we had!!



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Hard work isnt it Graham - the floor plays havoc with your feet and legs over the weekend, its non stop - but at least behind the layout you are away from the crowds - and because of its size its the most impersonal of shows even though the warley members do try their best to help and converse with you (except the guy on the door when we took Spotland!!). Hotels can be a bit random as well, Ive operated at Warley many times and never been in the same hotel twice!


Still, im off there again with New Hey this time so we must enjoy it!

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The lighting at Warley was a problem for viewing layouts when my partner & I visited two years ago. It must also be very difficult for the operators of layouts.I wouldn't fancy being there when they turn off half the lights.

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