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Wiring turnout motors to signals



Dear Members of this parish


I am seeking help if possible in respect of operating Viessmann Semaphore signals ref.no. 4500/4505 with the DCC Concepts Cobalt Classic turnout motors and a DCC Concept AD-8fx decoder.


I am operating the t/outs successfully from my Digitrax DCS 200 and handheld controller but wondered if it is possible to wire the semaphores into the AD-8fx decoder in sequence as well ?


I have managed to operate the semaphores independently using a switch and separate power supply to them but ideally it would be good if they could be wired to the decoder.


Any thoughts or advice would be most welcome.

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Problems with DCC Concepts ?


Whilst I accept the company must be quite busy (hopefully) I have tried on several occasions to contact them for advice, with no response.


Have any other members of this parish had problems getting a reply from them in the past or present ?


Not too keen on buying a 'plane ticket and going to see them personally!


All I would like is a simple answer to my question :(

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