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Well Well Well...



It's been many a moon since I did any modelling - aside from a half-finished Tamiya Ford Capri which is still awaiting painting of the bodyshell (unless cross-stitching several Christmas cards counts!)


However, times they are a changing. I last updated in August 2013. Since then we have moved, I started a new job and have subsequently obtained promotion. Leah is now a cheeky little miss of 20 months and we celebrate our third wedding anniversary in July. I'm not really sure where the time has gone but gone it has.


So, as you might have gathered from my lack of interaction, I have nothing to show on the railway front from that time.


I now hope to change that. After pondering that I want do something for a while, and still unable and indeed unwilling to give up on a scheme that I have thoroughly enjoyed researching, dreaming up and talking about, it has to be something related to the Cuckmere Valley Railway.


The current house* is bigger, true, but also comes with two ever-growing children and a garden which wasn't big enough for my old shed. So, portable is the way it must be. With that in mind I am pleased to say I will be building Litlington as a slightly smaller layout than I envisaged in those early planning posts. Pleased, because a loss of 2' in length makes the whole thing a little more 'domestically friendly' - 6' (scenic), foam board construction rather than strangeness with odd-shaped wood, and space for storage in our bedroom. Foamboard construction should also make it light enough to be carried about, more of which anon.


Continuing the domestic update at risk of boring you all, my wife is now back at work after maternity leave - she has also been promoted, with the downside that she now works 4 late nights (home after midnight) a week. This has left me with little to do,once the kids are in bed, than play computer games and listen to the radio whilst drinking copious amounts of coffee (Dolce Gusto machine for Christmas, absolutely brilliant! :D ) for those four evenings. As nice as this has been at times, I still keep getting dragged back to looking at various fora, various blogs and various Iain Rice books. I am, it seems, still afflicted by this disease known as 'ferroequinitus' - and if you can't beat it, you may as well embrace it!


There is a plan for the new version of the layout, as well as some minor tweaks to the 'history', but as I am currently typing this on Charlie's hudl, they will be revealed at another time. This though is just a quick message to anyone out there to say I am back and intend to be producing something worthy before too long!


*We are pondering another move, if the right property comes up to rent - or that deposit-securing lottery win comes in! - preferably to a place without the worlds most tempremental boiler!


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