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A Sunday Night Interrupted



I had intended to crack on with the wall for the blacksmiths yard this evening, but as I have a toddler who is simply refusing to go to bed on my knee, I fear it may have to be put off!


I have though taken advantage of todays good weather to take a couple of photos of the now very nearly (not yet glazed and needs a sign) blacksmiths building itself:






After being pleased with the goods shed even before I'd finished painting it, this one was the complete opposite - until I started putting on the guttering and bargeboards I wasn't sure about it at all. I'm particularly pleased with the chimney, built separately and attached almost at the end, as now it is there it seems to look as if it always has been!


I intend to attach the building to a separate sub-base, because as the layout is portable, buildings need to be able to be removed. I have found some 2mm ply that I'd forgotten about in the dark recesses behind the 'box of things I want to keep but am not sure where to put' that has been cluttering up the corner of the lounge, much to my wife's displeasure, since we moved, and intend to use this for the road surface, which will mean the 1.5mm ply which I bought for the core of the retaining wall can be used for the sub base of this building - it should fit nicely and enable me to hide the join with the 'fixed' road surface. The wall and the little section of the blacksmiths yard which I can represent will also be part of the sub base, hopefully hiding the join well.


Next on the buildings front will be a pair of railway cottages,but before I start that I think it may be time to start thinking about construction of the platform and loading bank - that goods shed needs something to sit on!

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