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Honley Tank's "Rest Box"

Dave at Honley Tank


"Rest Box"? Strictly speaking the word "rest" can here be applied in any of several ways:-

1. The modelling project is having a rest while I think up methods of progress. e.g. 'can't think up how to ..........


2. I'm having a rest from the modelling project because I'm making a hash of the da** thing!

Obviously it's the project's fault not mine!


3. I've been fired by enthusiasm for some new idea and have totally lost interest in the current project.


4. The weather is warmer so I can work on the layouts. The reverse applies too; - the weather is too cold to be in the

railway room (garage), so back into the nice warm workshop.


5. It's the club's competition in two months! I'll need to shove this lot in the "Rest Box" so I can complete my loco

competition entry.



Number 2 is increasingly the most usual reason. It seems that as age takes its toll on my body and brain, then my modelling projects start to misbehave and various bits refuse to do what I tell them to do.


However, putting the two GC 6-wheel brakes in the "Rest Box" is more related to No.1 than any other, but there's a bit of No.5 in there too. The "two months" is more like eight months, but I hope to enter the two refurbished C13s and also the Q4.


All this means that the C13s have come out of the" Box" and the GC 6-wheelers have gone in. After only one modelling day on the C13s they are close to going back in!?!


Numbers 3 & 4 are likely to come in to play shortly; No.4 is obviously related to the calendar and I've just ordered an electrostatic fly killer and also various lengths & colours of static grass; therefore 3 is likely when those are delivered. That means that both Bowton's Yard and Wheegram Sidings may start to get overgrown. Does anyone know if there is a static grass weed killer on the market because I may need a weed killer train next?


Sorry; no pictures because my photographic skills don't run to the taking of pictures of philosophical thought.


Enjoy your physical modelling



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