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Bristol Fashion



blog-0986913001430859188.jpgNo modelling to report from this weekend due to going away for a few days but just because I didn't physically do anything didn't mean I didn't have mu modelling hat on! A couple of days in Bristol gave plenty of opportunity to photograph various details and buildings that will go into the 'put aside for future inspiration' folder. We were actually very impressed with the city, both with the amount of stuff going on (a lot of it free!), and the gems of architecture hidden away. What really did it for us though was the Harbour Railway, steaming away along the quay visible from quite a lot of the city and running happily alongside pedestrians. Quite how they get this past the health and safety people I don't know but long may it continue. We took the longer of the two routes available (although not for much longer I understand), to Ashton bridge. This starts off along the quay and under the magnificent cranes but then peels off to a more urban setting running neatly between a river and a road. As the train got to this section the previously sedate pace gave way to a surprisingly spirited blast. One thing I have not yet mentioned is that you are propelled on the outward leg in a rather basic (but glorious!), converted open truck with zero creature comforts but the exposure to the Peckett just a couple of feet away is brilliant. so a few pics;



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