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Narrowing Horizons with Extreme Gauge Widening



Well the promise in the last blog entry of having "....a couple of things to post in the coming days" didn't come off in the way that I expected. Instead I fell into a work (Aerospace Engineering) vortex that chewed me up and only spat me out long after the Xmas break in 2014.


Following this hiatus, where I effectively lost most of my winter modelling time, it has been hard to find the enthusiasm for a number of modelling projects, both personal and on commission. Through April and May I took a long hard look at the things on my list and have decided that I'm going to have to be pragmatic about what I can and cannot do. I'm getting to that time in my life when I realise that I'm not going to live forever. Quite selfishly, and perhaps with a narrowing of horizons, I want to build some of my own models. In future commission work is only going to be taken on if the task ticks a few fundamental boxes. It must really interest me either due to the subject matter or in a way that challenges/extends my skill as a craftsman, designer and engineer. In the case of the latter if I can utilise some of the spin offs from it, for instance a casting master, for my own projects then so much the better.


So in the spirit of that I'd like to show a few pictures of a loco commission that is very nearly complete. It's unsual as I've never done any modelling in this gauge before, although it is P4. The kit is supplied by the Broad Gauge Society and on the whole has built into a nice model of a handsome prototype. There are a few issues that are being fed back to the BGS for inclusion in their instructions but nothing that is insummountable.


The painting is still to come and that will also be a first as I've never done Early GWR livery before.









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That work vortex...aerospace...I thought that it was only me.


A lovely model though. Oh soooo shiny.

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