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A view from the line #15 another brick in the wall…



This I suppose only just counts as ‘A view from the line’ type post as in reality it is a guide to my method of painting brickwork that I have used on all the brick buildings seen on Fisherton Sarum. I tend to construct most of my buildings using embossed plastic, mainly Wills material packs, which have more pronounced embossing when compared to for example than the A4 embossed plasticard sheets from the likes of Slaters. The method I am outlining below is also therefore possibly more suited to such heavier bossed materials. Although this post is primarily about brick painting the principles can also be aplied to stone work (with obviously a change in the colours used).




The colours that we see in brick walls also vary depending on the distance that we view the wall from as colour unlike a physical item does not scale in the same way. When we look at a real wall close up we see all the variations of individual brick colours, however when viewed from a distance the colours tend merge into a smaller more uniform palette. In model form we actually need to view from a far greater representative distance to achieve the same effect therefore if each individual brick on a model is separately painted whilst this would correct in close you would have to stand back a proportionally greater distance than in real life for those colours to start merge together. The step by step guide I outline on my external blog here http://grahammuz.com/2015/07/12/a-view-from-the-line-15-another-brick-in-the-wall/ helps to deceive the eye to overcome the effect of colour not scaling




This is an extract of my the full post on my external blog at www.grahammuz.com

The full post with a step by step by step guide to my brickwork painting method , with additional stage pictures, can be read on my blog here http://grahammuz.com/2015/07/12/a-view-from-the-line-15-another-brick-in-the-wall/


This method is a variation on that used by excellent modeller Iain Rice in his book “Modelling with Plastic Structure Kits”

published by Wild Swan

. Like many things with modelling, this is just one way of doing and the way I prefer to use, there are other ways and other approaches successfully used by many other modellers.

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