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Fasten your seatbelts, i'm on a roll !



Still waiting for the boiler suited man with spanners so in the meantime challenge work continues at a pace !


For 75p, a strip of balsa split in half gets you a chunky conveyor belt housing in 5 mins..................




Stuck together and cut to a length leaving a few mm either way ready for fitting a quick rummage through the off cuts from the building panels gets you enough to cover 3 sides.....................






Finished in 5 mins with the aid of super quick setting Red Rocket and its off to the spray booth along with an equal length of pipe.............................




The magic colour as many on here will have discovered in the past is the Halfords Grey car primer. I use the one for plastics..............




Welcome to my sophisticated spray booth with natural vapour extraction !! Dont think SWMBO was too keen on grey kitchen units and worktops !!




No problems this time with the paint going wrinkly and half a can later everything was coated to a satisfactory level with any light patches covered later with the weathering. Remebered to mask off the brick work this time ! This stuff doesnt come off to well without lots of scrubbing and very strong thinner !










Once dry I decided to go for an ashphalt roof effect on building 3 and after mixing a pot of 2 & 4mm black & grey ballast I painted the roof area with a layer of pva and sprinkled away ! Left outside for an hour I blew the excess ballast off, checked for any glaring errors and everything is now inside and ready for a test placing on the board and a few more pics.


More on that later..........................................


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You might want to consider some edge protection or anchor points for any body accessing that roof Jon!


Going to pick up some 4mm railings on the next visit to 'ye olde model shoppe' next week ! Until then I will make sure no Preiser men fall to their little 4mm deaths !!

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Looking good Jon. At this rate you'll be finished by Feb. Shaping up very well. I've often thought about using balsa, ever had any problems with warping at all?

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Looking good Jon. At this rate you'll be finished by Feb. Shaping up very well. I've often thought about using balsa, ever had any problems with warping at all?


Thanks Dave. No probs with warping. Most of the stuff I use is 10mm thick and the pieces are all relatively short so it isnt a problem. Doesnt like getting wet and can be a little awkward to cut unless your using a really really sharp blade but it does provide a really sturdy basis to work on and add too.

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Very nice - I spotted your photos on the main page. I might have to try using balsa as it looks like a good material for these sorts of buildings.

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Thanks Jon. I'm just glad your building a stone/aggregate facility and not a cement works as I'd have given up my plan. So I might pinch your conveyor housing idea. Cheers and hope the boiler bill isn't too bad.


Kind regards

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