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Foster Street - Disaster on the eve of the Weston on Tent Exhibition.



Well its the day before the Weston on Trent 2015 exhibition, and I have kept my panic under control as I frantically tried to get Foster Street ready for its return appearance at the show.


So knowing me better than most, I made sure that all of my usual tools of mass destruction, Superglue, Mini drill, Soldering Iron where well out of reach and I concentrated on what I thought were the more easily completed jobs.


But it was no good I had to use the tools of Doom, and as the Domestic Overlord was not around to supervise me, or just to run around after me with plasters and bandages I cracked on.


Well I took the car to the garage, did the shopping, some laundry, prepped the evening meal, and put the rubbish in the bin, which is no mean task as our local area is prowled by a creature of pure evil. A evil older than time its self, that roams its domain looking for new souls to torment and destroy, an evil that should have no name, but is called by it's owner "Snooky" yes next doors feral cat.


Yes its sits on the bin, daring you to approach it and run the risk of its claws of eternal pain, and its fangs of doom, but armed with a mop, a bucket of water, though I would rather use napalm on the little sh** so saw it run off to a torment passing HGV's.


After all of this I actually got some work completed, I completed the wiring, got all the points to work, fitted some magnets in the goods yard, and then remembered I left the adapted wagons at work AARRGGGHHHHHHHH. However this is not the worst disaster of today, that came with my latest Jubilee repaint.


Thanks to the suggestion of Andy, I managed to apply the number 5690, applied the lining to the tender, and waited for the paint to dry prior to adding some weathering, with the aim of adding it to the roster at the exhibition, and disaster. When re-fitting the tender drawbar, one of the connecting wires broke. AARRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH so the loco will have to stay at home


Still it means I have more time add the missing lining and tidy up the stuff that I have already applied.

SORRY ANDY - Until next time as ever Happy Modelling :)


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  • RMweb Gold

What a drama Paul. We railway modellers live life on the edge!


I'm sure you'll have a good exhibition though, in progress as I write I assume. Look forward to hearing all about it.

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What a drama Paul. We railway modellers live life on the edge!


I'm sure you'll have a good exhibition though, in progress as I write I assume. Look forward to hearing all about it.



Well we are back from the exhibition and the layout is back in the spare room, set up ready for me to play with it again when the Domestic Overlord allows it of course :)

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