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Plans - Revisiting and Revising



So after posting the various plans on Friday evening, there was still something which I wasn't quite happy with, and I couldn't put my finger on what it was, although a lot of it was around space, or lack of it, in what passes for a goods yard.


I've now had a chance to look again, and have come up with what I hope will be the final plan which I invited comment on




It was the change to a curved point which I think pulled this all together for me, I think it gives more of a natural flow to the (mostly) off-stage loop but an open to suggestions to the contrary.


It retains the stage right (Up) exit behind trees, crossing over a level crossing, which has now gained a small signal box, before entering the station and going offstage again behind the barn, with the bay and dock sidings now given a little more breathing space.


A word on presentation - I think I am going to try and build a self-contained 'box' for the layout, having looked at various APA Box layouts over the past few days. I intend to complete this with 'wings' and a Proscenium Arch, which will allow for some lighting and hopefully look a lot better on the wall than a baseboard balanced on a shelf. Electrically, DCC to match everything else I've done in the last few years. The Litlington Board is being collected tonight (too long for the car, but not for my brother's van...!), so come payday, I should be able to get started!

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