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60ft Turntable Construction - 11




Working to a deadline I decided to press on with the bridge detail with the intention of spraying it with primer tomorrow, At 11:30 p.m. the task was complete and a few photos were taken.


The wooden bridge deck was easier to install than I had thought, using contact adhesive. The stanchions and railing came together even easier. This is always a good sign of kit design and I must say here (and will do so in my final summary) that the kit really does come together very nicely. Someone recently commented that this kit is micro-engineering at its best and I would agree.


Of course, showing off my handiwork beneath a Lee Marsh Jubilee does mean that there may be a few hidden errors, but actually I don't think so. I am really very pleased with the outcome. So, the photos:












The next jobs include priming the deck, fitting the drive wheel and rubber band drive and then the DCC decoder. Final painting may not happen this week, I already have some other priorities, That may be a good thing anyway.


Once the turntable is up and running and some approach tracks are laid, I will write up a final review. As you may imagine it is going to be positive and I can certainly recommend the kit to anyone with basic kit building skills.

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Rather than start a new post, just a few things were done today (Tuesday), including applying spray primer to the bridge, setting up the drive and testing that it runs on DC.  It does so very quietly and smoothly.


So what's left to do is as follows:


Paint the bridge, add brick texture to well walls and paint floor.  Paint manufacturer's plates and fix.  Wire up DCC and program motor.  Add approach roads (6) and wire to DCC bus.  Test reverse module.  I don't expect to start on this work until Spring.


Note:  If you just want to follow the 11 stages of construction, click on the 60ft Turntable Construction category and they will be filtered.

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I thought the Jubilee wheelbase was 54ft 3.25in which makes me wonder why the wheels on the model seem very close to the ends of the track?

Kind regards,


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An interesting point!  The bridge measures exactly 60 scale feet (420 mm) so there is nothing wrong with Dave Smith's design.  So what about the Jubilee?


According to my reference book, Rowledge and Reed's the Stanier 4-6-0s of the LMS, there were four different types of Jubilee as built, Polyphemus belonging to the last group.  A diagram of the NBL built Jubilee type (Polyphemus was built at Crewe so could be different) shows the wheelbase to be 54ft 4.75in, which is 380.77mm.  This would be with the same Stanier 4,000 gallon tender.


Unfortunately I have packed away the Jubilee for a couple of months so I cannot measure it.  But there is a possible explanation - perhaps the tender to loco spacing is slightly longer than on the real thing to negotiate 72" radii?


Using your overall wheelbase the equal overhang at each end would be approximately 20mm or less than an inch.  But remember that the wheelbase is actually measured from the axle to axle, not front of bogie wheel to back of tender wheel.


That's all I can comment for now, but let me say that I really appreciate your diligence in following Legge Lane all these months!  Thank you, Paul

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