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Nuremberg Toyfair 2016 mini-blog



Apologies for the lack of updates from the Toyfair before the weekend. Unfortunately, the regular mini-blog I'd hoped to send was compromised by appalling wi-fi service in the convention centre and at my hotel, which limited what could be done (at least without spending the whole of each day trying to upload photos!). This is a holding message, just to explain why things didn't go to plan and to say that I'll be uploading lots of material over the next couple of days, which you'll hopefully find useful and informative. There were plenty of news stories at the fair this year, but also a sense that the big manufacturers are favouring more direct routes to interact with their customers (both trade and public) and so are finding it increasingly difficult to justify the expense of attending the fair. It was noticeable that some companies had downsized and/or redesigned their stands while others had combined there efforts and some were missing altogether. That said, the biggest company in the market, Maerklin/Trix/LGB, continues to have an enormous presence and appears to have stabilised after many turbulent years.

More soon, but if you can't wait, there are lots of photos on the BRM facebook page. I've also attached a snap of a truly outstanding Gauge 1 diorama featuring a DB BR260 shunter made by KM1.





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