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Delph - Crab makes slow progress

Dave Holt


Well, crabs are generally said to scuttle, but that's sideways, so it's not unreasonable that forward progress is fairly slow.

Following the conversion work on the ex_GCR push-pull coaches, I thought I ought to try and finish off some part completed projects which have been sitting around for quite a while. One such is the ex-LMS Crab, which is a Bachmann body on a Comet chassis and a Comet brass tender, together with a Brassmasters detailing kit. The original idea, inspired by the demonstration version on the Comet exhibition stand, was for a quick production based on a straight forward assembly of the chassis kit for P4 gauge. Needless to say, I couldn't go through with that approach and ended up adding lots of extra details and some missing bits, all of which added extra time.

So, in a mad bout of renewed enthusiasm, the final details have been added to the chassis and body and a bit more work done to the tender. There, the only outstanding parts are the cab doors. I've assembled the Brassmasters doors with working hinges and am dallying with the idea of springing them open but need to obtain some fine phosphor bronze wire to make the springs. A trial with 0.33 mm brass wire proved the geometry but was too stiff.

On the loco, which sits on coil springs, I have had a bit of fun and games getting the weight in the right place. Initially, I added too much in the front portion of the boiler, causing the front driver springs to be nearly fully compressed. It was a mighty struggle to get the weight back out, having glued it in rather too well. That made things much better, especially after I managed to squeeze a bit more lead in the firebox and some under the cab roof, but after I fitted the the front pony truck, which is also lightly sprung, I found the reverse problem! Now the rear driving springs were fully compressed, so I had to re-fit part of the boiler weight and remove the lead from the cab roof to get a reasonable ride attitude. Compensation is a lot less bother!!!

Anyway, here it is in its current state. The loco still needs overall weathering and the tender remains unpainted till the cab doors are sorted, but definite progress.





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Looks fantastic Dave! Have you done anything to the body yet? Some of Bachmann's lining can look a bit heavy at times but this looks spot on.


Best Wishes



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Nice work Dave.  Guess what I've done with my Rotary Crab?  That's right absolutely nothing.  Perhaps mine is only going in circles instead of sideways.  I'd like to see what you've done with the sprung doors.  The finest PB wire I have is 41SWG which is only 0.0044" diameter.



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Hi Paul.

I haven't done anything to the lining. Body work was mainly fitting new, brass, front frames (shallow type), easing mould lines, rear hand rails and some extra backhead details.

The prototype I have in mind was so dirty, you couldn't see any of the lining although I might not go quite that far.


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