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Class 20's and 27's workings



Although the class 37’s had taken over day to day operations on the West Highland line by the early 1980's, class 27's still put in appearances when there were class 37 shortages. The harsh winter of 1981/2 meant that a number of 37's required extended works attention for a wide range of frost damage resulting in an increase in outings for both 20's and 27's. Below are a series of pictures showing examples of such workings on WHL3. Note 27105’s appearance having been released from its Glasgow to Edinburgh push pull duties by the introduction of 47/7’s but before its further renumbering to 27049.


My fleet of 3 class 27’s are Heljan models fitted with Loksound soundchips. 2 have Howes sound and the third has Olivias; for me the Howes version is the superior by a distance. The 2 class 20’s are Bachmann offerings also fitted with Loksound soundchips. Sound comes from 1 each of SWD and Howes and are of similar high quality. Both locos are currently going through a renumbering and detailing programme hence their appearance without numbers. When finished they will be numbered 20045 (disc headcode) and 20184 (centre headcode) which were both WHL regulars in the early 1980's. Both have just been fitted with working headcode and tail lights by Jason Edmunds of Stickswipe fame which bring them into line with the rest of my loco fleet.


20184 enters Mallaig Junction yard with the tribometer train. Bit of artistic licence here, I doubt that the trib ever did the west highlands but, since I have the rolling stock, who cares?
27032 at Ardlui with an engineers ballast train
20045 at Bridge of Orchy collecting engineers mess coach
27105 arrives at Ardlui with a short Mossend to Oban freight
27041 at Garelochead with southbound Oban Glasgow service
Preparation for the winter, 27041 and 27105 move the snow ploughs at Mallaig Junction yard

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Don't forget to add the steam heat pipe on 20045 when you add the buffer beam details.... but I'm sure you knew that ;)




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