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Trials and Tribulations of making the "Slater's Pal van Kit No7070".

Trainshed Terry


Part 2.


Just to bring things up to date. the rest of the brake equipment was fitted over the past 2 days, with the help of the brass pins that I found on a certain internet auction site.
They measure about 10mm in length and about 0.06mm in diameter and are brass, I forgot that I had them in the tool box. they made great pin to locate the rest of the pivot points and once solder in place they didn't disappear.




The rest of the brake gear went together with no real problems, but be careful as some of the components are small and easily lost to the carpet monster never to be found again.




The only thing that I did change was the lost wax cast door handles, with 0.5mm brass wire as the cast handles just did not look great.
Today the sun was out this morning so I gave the completed wagon a coat of "Halfords Plastic Primer. (Grey), all I have to do is wait until the nice weather is back so that I complete this model.


I hope that what I have put in this blog has be informative to people out there, if there are any questions please feel free to contact me.




Trainshed Terry.

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