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In the Beginning

highland blue


I have been modelling for over 30 years, and in all that time i must have started in excess of 30 layouts, and completed (Yes you've guessed it) exactly 'NONE'. There has always been the next house move, OR the fact the room wasn't big enough, children complicated things further (Especially regards finances). But, more often than not, it was the plain and simple fact i was always looking to create something that was wrong from the beginning...


I can honestly say, my obsession with the WHL comes from a combination of holiday's and a certain Mr Futers, and his model of "Lochside" completed around 30 years ago now. A trail blazing 'Modern Image' layout set amongst the usual GWR steam layouts of the day. Thanks Ian.


Whilst i may not have finished any of my projects i guess each one has taught me a new skill, or some form of lesson. My scratch building skills are now such, i have built for others and my 'Dont' list is an awful lot longer than my 'Do' list !!


So - Why have i had that "Eureka" moment now?


Put simply, i have stopped trying to build the entire WHL in a room 10x8.


'Life After Death'


I had started the 4th incarnation of my latest project "Rannoch Junction" just over four years ago when we moved to a house that had the space for a permanent layout. And, as with the other 29 layouts, i built boards to fit the room, tried to fill all available space with a mainline station, mainline running lines, a large TMD, shunting facilities and of course extensive landscaping. I ignored all the warning signs and ploughed on regardless.


Then, quite recently i sat down to watch a couple of DVD's from the "Right Track" series - 'Layout Planning' and 'Building Scenery' and thats when the penny finally dropped. I sat and devised my 'Wish List' and quickly realised, that the only things i could honestly 'Tick' off where the layout's period, location and name - Guess its a start.


So - Back to the drawing board for 'Mk v' it is then.


'Three Wishes you say?'


Ok, here goes....


West Highland based, around 1987-89 when Large Logo 37 roamed the plains, hauling Blue/Grey Mk1/2 stock. I am looking to include:-

  1. Island based Station platform, similar to Crianlarich.
  2. TMD facilities along the lines of Fort William.
  3. Additional storage for DMU stabling
  4. Small re-fuelling facilities
  5. Continuous running to increase operational interest


I know this combination doesn't sound plausible for the WHL, but bear with me, modellers license aside - I actually have a plausible 'Just Suppose' for why such a location may have existed.


Together with a 'Wish List', there are also a set of conditions aimed at making the most of my '30' years of practise.....

  1. Track is to be 'Finescale' - Whilst not totally prototypical, i am happy to compromise on Peco Code75 rather than 'Hand-Built' for this layout.
  2. Buildings to be 'Typical WHL' and to achieve this, i am accepting that most will need to be 'Scratch-Built' (Oh no, not another fact finding trip to the highlands :mosking: )
  3. Station platform be capable of handling at least 5 coaches.
  4. TMD be capable of stabling 7-8 locomotives, plus stabling facilities for at least 3 x 2-Car DMU sets.
  5. Scenery be as realistic as possible and incorporate a bridge similar to the one just outside of Crianlarich station.
  6. The layout be of a "U" design - with simple 'Single Track' tunnel portals at the end of the boards with run round capability (In effect an elongated 'Oval' layout.
  7. Hidden sidings to allow the storage of around 8 x trains (Again, to increase operational interest).
  8. Signalling be prototypical - and Work!!
  9. Built for DCC Operation, with ALL points similarly operated via Slo-Mo motors & DCC


In short - I want to make the most of my abilities and create a layout i will finish :thankyou:


Now - Are you sat comfortably.... Heres the Lines history:-




Since the closure of the line between Crianlarich and Callander road traffic has increased through the Trossachs from Sterling to Oban & Fort William to such an extent that plans have been submitted to make the A84 a dual carriageway. These plans have met fierce opposition due to the environmental impact, especially over 'Lochearnhead' and have subsequently been shelved. The local council, seeing an opportunity to promote additional tourism to the area suggested a 'Feasibility' study into Re-Opening the closed line between Callendar and Crianlarich, building a new station on the site of 'Crianlarich Lower' with servicing facilities to allow the Summer steam services currently terminating at Fort William to be extended over the newly re-opended section.


The study was completed and agreement was reached to reopen the line, together with the necessary purchase orders for land BR sold off in 1965 after the lines initial closure. The agreement was also based on the condition that significant engineering would take place to stabilise the slopes just east of Lochernhead to avoid future land-slides (The reason for the lines closure).


Work began in 1984, and by 1987 had been largely completed. The new Station and TMD facilities having moved to the east of Crianlarich were re-named "Rannoch Junction". Since then, it has been suggested that consideration be given to re-opening the short 3-mile branch to Killin, but as the Ferry Service on Loch Tay has long since ceased, and the subsequent increase in tourism would be minimal the plan has been shelved for the moment.




Next....... Track Plans :fan:

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"Finescale track" Is this going to be 4mm? If so you can use the new bullhead version. It's streets ahead of the HO type and British sleeper spacing really sets the scene; you can still use the existing points if necessary - they don't stand out as much as plain track.

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