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Something Different Again - a GWR Mink D



For my pre-grouping goods trains, I have quite a few colourful private owner wagons, plus a few southern area railwy owned wagons (SECR, LBSCR and LSWR) but in reality, wagons from other railways found their way over most of the British mainland. The problem for me was that most of the available kits or ready to run wagons are too new - I wanted wagons from around 1910 or earlier. With this in mind, I ordered some GWR wagon kits from Parkside Dundas.


Today was officially the first day of the mid-year school holidays, and coincidentally, the three wagon kits I ordered arrived this morning. The kits were for a Mink/Mink A of 1907 build onwards, a Mink D of 1906, and a 10T 5 plank open built from 1909 onwards.


I got stuck into doing the Mink D almost straight away, and have completed the build, plus a coat of grey primer all in this one day. The paint is still drying, so no photos of that, but here it is in 'raw' form. I used the PArkside NEM adapters, as usual for me, with plasticard spacers to remove the need for cranked couplings.






All in all, a nice simple kit to build and the instructions are fairly clear. Painting in GWR grey will also be a relatively simple job as the GW painted everything grey, except perhaps the wheels and buffer heads, and of course, the white roof. At the time I want to represent, the GW lettering should be 25" size where it would fit (not sure about this on the Mink D), but I only have the next size down lettering available anyway. I'll be making do with that for the time being.

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As a GWR fan in 7mm, I thought the model was looking good, then I realised it was 4mm and I'm amazed, you certainly fooled me into thinking it was 0 gauge.


I look forward to seeing the finished model

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Hmm very nice, I model the Caledonian in about the time these were built. I'm pretty sure a few were sometimes used on through fruit traffic from time to time any way that's my excuse plus model railway rule one to justify a couple I think.

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Thanks for the compliments, guys. You have both given me a warm glow. :)

Here's the result of the grey primer finish:




All of these photos were taken with my HTC phone camera, which lacks a little in depth of field but generally gives good results.

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