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Got the hump !



Looking forward to painting the big building I was rather fed up this morning on discovering it was going to be cold, wet or both for at least the next week, so with the indoor spraying ban imposed by SWMBO any fun with the Halfords primer will have to wait !


Snatched an hour this afternoon between jobs and managed to get a couple more things started, funnily enough, both involving humps !


Laid grass to one of the sections between the cripple road & shed road and it didnt look right being too flat. Up it came and a shaped piece of polystyrene was inserted and the grass re laid. Looks better now and will give some depth to any photos of locos 'on shed'.




Using layers of foam board I built up a rough shape to form a ballast/stone spoil pile in one of the small available places left on the board, its quite full/busy with all the structures in place ! A thin layer of plaster repair was spread over and once dry I will sand, layer with glue and sprinkle a suitable scatter product over the top. Further weathering with some yellows & browns and thats another little feature and something to break up any flat bits !






Couldnt resist a couple of snaps next to the back door before packing up. I'm a winter person usually prefering snow, dark nights & open fires to suncream, sand & sweat but I can honestly say I have never wanted the sun to come out so much as I do now. Think the grass with a bit of natural sunlight on it will produce some realistic pics. Oh well, we live in hope ! You watch it come out on Christmas Day morning and the trouble I get in sneaking out to the fields with the board. Me thinks it wont just be the turkey getting a roasting !!!!






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Just a small comment - and I realise it is a personal thing - but the grass looks too green to me especially between tracks ... or is it going to be toned down?

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Just a small comment - and I realise it is a personal thing - but the grass looks too green to me especially between tracks ... or is it going to be toned down?


Hi Kenton,


Totally agree.

Trying to show as much work in progress as I can and there is still lots of work to do on the grass including a trim in places and toning down with some weathering.

Plan to get it all down first then judge the colour tones with a few photos in different lighting conditions.

The stuff in the four foot will be toned down with browns & blacks for sure.

It is the 'summer' blend so I expected it to be quite lush & bright and I think in natural light it will look a little more, well, natural !

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Guest Max Stafford


It just shows how subjective colour perception can be though. Although I've no wish to invalidate Kenton's observations, to me the grass looks quite natural. I do agree that some browns and blacks in the four foot growth will work nicely though.



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Hi Kenton,


Totally agree.

Trying to show as much work in progress as I can and there is still lots of work to do on the grass including a trim in places and toning down with some weathering.

Plan to get it all down first then judge the colour tones with a few photos in different lighting conditions.

The stuff in the four foot will be toned down with browns & blacks for sure.

It is the 'summer' blend so I expected it to be quite lush & bright and I think in natural light it will look a little more, well, natural !



Judging by your superb photos in the past I'm sure it will all look spot on when finished. You're also well on the way to finishing first at this rate??

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I'd say the colours not bad - try some 6.5mm winter fibres with a puffer bottle in places to relieve the monotony of the green.

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