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Problem - How come you can find more projects to work on than you can find time to spend on them? Or Not another Jubilee



Lately finding time to spend modelling has been nearly impossible. I'm sure this happens to other modellers out there, but for me I either have no time with the pressures of work and general life then I barely have time to eat before I have to go to bed to start it all again or I have a little time and no energy to do anything.


Anyway I have this really uncanny ability to either find trouble, or yet more new projects (the Domestic Overlord, seems to think when it involves me its one in the same) anyway I digress.


One of the more easily completed projects I had on the go was to convert the wagons from the "Landship" pack into something more useful. So I set about converting the three of them, like I had to my previous three into bogie bolsters, with steel girder loads. Easily completed in a short period, and then they can get a spot of weathering and enter the layout stock, the problem is THEY ARE NOT COMPLETED.
They have been painted LMS grey, need numbering etc but at least I have the girders loaded(easily a made with a little plsati card and glueing to fingers), all I need to do now is apply a little more paint, the stanchions and if I can find them chains and another project will be finished (estimated completion 2018).


On the locomotive front, I have managed to do a little more work on my representation of a Black 5 with a self weighing tender, the loco has received its black coat and a little dirty black on the cab roof and smokebox, I have here number prepared which will be applied as soon as my hands stop shaking. Then progress on the tender was going okay, until my shaky hands led to a bottle of plastic weld being tipped over last night, so I have imposed a work ban for the time being.
It wont be a fine scale model when she is completed, but at least its finding use for an older Farish model, and adds a little variety to my Black 5 collection (estimated completion 2019).


My Stanier mogul, has sort of gained a dome, and a tender, but that's about it, before the dome is fitted I have to work on the combined top feed.
This project is very slow going, I may concentrate on the tender for a bit, and maybe help to increase my insanity levels with yet more lining (estimated completion 202?)


One project in severe danger of being completed is the two 4F's on the workbench. One is from the "Landship" pack and the other is from the collection, both are in the process of getting LMS branding and numbers, and one may even remain clean (well maybe a little weathering).
These loco's have had crews fitted, and one has headlamps fitted, the other is awaiting new supplies (estimated completion this year).


You may have noticed that the estimated completion times on these projects seems to be excessive, and the reason for this is believe it or not nothing to do with the Domestic Overlord, but because I keep finding poor abused little Jubilee's at bargain prices.
This poor little engine needs to rescued from this mouldy green paintwork she currently wears and given a decent CRIMSON coat.


So until the next time, whenever that may be Happy Modelling :)

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Recommended Comments

Have you ever considered taking on commissions, looking at your modelling you certainly have the skills.


I have read as many of your up dates as possible and your layout looks fantastic and the stock in very impressive too.


I would like to see what you think of a couple of my ideas (00 gauge)

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Have you ever considered taking on commissions, looking at your modelling you certainly have the skills.


I have read as many of your up dates as possible and your layout looks fantastic and the stock in very impressive too.


I would like to see what you think of a couple of my ideas (00 gauge)

Thanks for the kind comments but I honestly don't think my skills are good enough to take on commissions

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