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Bothersome Trains!

bmthtrains - David


Well my replacement Dapol 156 arrived over Christmas, so I have been running it in today, and so far so good - but then the last one started okay and went nuts shortly after! The 67 however, I am giving up on - I am no mechanic, and whatever is wrong with it is probably easily fixable if you know how, but as I don't its incredibly frustrating. I've taken the body off and guessing the pick ups aren't working right, have bend the strips downwards so they make better contact, and its improved slightly, but there is no sign of the 'super creep' (super creepy is my new name for it) motor that it seemed to have when I first ran it. There is now slow speed running, and its still jittery at a decent pace.


Given that I am now so disatisfied with Dapol's motors, I am not going to send this back to Hattons as I will just get another one in replacement, so I may sell it - anyone with good mechanical skills will be able to fix it I am sure, but the point is THEY SOULDN'T HAVE TO! When you pay 80 quid for a model, it should work!


If anyone wants to make me an offer for the 67, PM me, or I might add it to my list of stock I'm going to put up for sale in the new year.


Anyway, grumble over, once I've given the 156 a good run in, I'm going to get out some stock that DOES work, and have an afternoon playing trains - photo updates to follow!


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Have you checked for a) dirty track, B) dirty pickups, c) dirty wheels where the pickups bear, and d) dirty wheel TREADS?

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There's a thread on this site now about split gears with Farish 60 and another thread on a couple of dead 37s.


I thought we'd finished with all these issues, or has there been a problem with quality control in the rush to gets things out.


I know it's not just N gauge where there have been problems this year, but these just appear to be not learning the lessons of the past. Having just rebuilt my N collection I really don't want to get disillusioned all over again.

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