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And so, finally, we come to (almost) the end...



After what seems an interminable interlude, I can justifiably claim that the F4 ‘build’ is complete, and have the photos to prove it! Where it languishes right now is in the pre-paint shop stage while it dries after a decent wash and cleanup. Then onwards to primer, paint and...lining. Yes, lining, as it will be appearing in its 1923 form as E106 (just like it says on the box).


In the mean time, some pictures of it in the raw to get a feel for what I have done and, if possible, how...


First off, the cab, as this was fabricated from scratch to fill a complete void in the Gibson kit:




Then, the overall ‘look’ of the bodywork:




And finally, posed on the chassis built from the kit developed by Justin (Rumney Models) for this project - and the next four F series...




That’s it for now.




Yes, I did add the tank lifting rings and the roof! The front sand pipes must be fitted to the chassis otherwise the body won’t come off. Another little task left to do...

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That looks great! How did you do the cab floor? I need to do that for a couple of NLR engines I'm working on...

I took a leaf out of my plasticard days; .015” nickel silver sheet scribed 2mm width planking. While doing so I thought up the idea of etching sheets of the stuff for cast metal kit wagon floors...

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The lead is all (the body is now +/- 225g) secured with lashings of superglue. Do this in a well ventilated room - it is very unpleasant and I believe dangerous. It is also a sound way of finding out if your tanks/boiler leak...

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Hi Marcus, I hope you are well.

That really is a beautiful little loco. Did you get it painted? And could you possibly share a few photos of the final motor/chassis assembly?



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