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What is it with time?


Lately I am convinced that the only reason it exists is to wind me up. I have noticed for a while now that its been trying to get to me, but it's not going to beast me despite its latest crafty trick, but I have spotted its latest ploy and I'm putting it down in text so others can be forewarned.


Have you noticed that they little sod Time, seems to make sure you have plenty available to do all those crappy jobs you just don't want to do (or even the jobs the Domestic Overlord insists you do :(), but for the jobs you really want to do, this "Time" geezer just leaves you with either no time at all.
even more evilly leaves you with realisation that you have a some time to spend on what you want to do, but NEVER quite enough to complete what you wanted to do.


Well time I'm onto your plans matey and you can beat me, despite your best attempts including the recruitment of the Domestic Overlord to use up even more of MY time I have still managed to get some modelling done :)


The last few weeks since my last update, has seen a little progress on the Trams for Lugsdale Road, well at least one of them at least, which has had its original paint stripped, and after some severe thinning of the inside of its body, has been test fitted to a severely cut down Kato chassis. The scary thing is it seems to have worked, but needs a little more for want of a better term refinement before I post any details on here.


What it did mean however is that I could test the curve in the tram line, that sees it curve past the Pub at the bottom of Lugsdale Road and under the railway station and it WORKS.
This then led to another problem, which was what type of building to have opposite the Pub to fill in the space on that side of the road, I had a few ideas but could just not decide on a particular one. Now its been a very, very, very long time since I set foot in a Pub, so my memory might be a bit hazy on this but I think when you do you need Beer tokens.


I seem to remember that on the last occasion I visited a Pub, I got some Beer tokens from a thing called a Bank, which you visited, gave the people inside a think called an account number, and then they gave you this folding paper stuff with pictures on it, called money. You then skipped to the Pub, handed over this money stuff and they gave you Beer, and a few Beer tokens back so you could get more Beer. I know its very hard to believe, but in the "good old days" that's how's things worked.


So the inspiration was there, and I set about trying to create a model Bank.
Again using what is becoming one of my favourite materials card, I soon had the basics of what I thought would be a typical "mutual" type bank that seemed to be popular in the time leading up to the 40's before the major banks as we know them were formed.


To make things easier I thought I would attempt to finish the building with sandstone type render, so before the Domestic Overlord found out I was using paints (apparently if I have time to paint a model I can find time to paint a real room, well that's what the Domestic Overlord says), I got two base coats on the model to build up the finish I'm looking for.
Once I have finally finished applying a couple more coats to produce the weather beaten faded look I want, it will be time to apply a lot of weathering, but to avoid the suspicions of the D.O I will avoid further painting for now, and see if I actually like the building in its planned location, of if I should try something different.


As you can see there is still a lot to do on the street scene, and this is only part of what is becoming a seems to be huge baseboards, and they are only 8 feet long in total.
So there you have it, I have managed to get one over on this Time fella, and managed to make some progress on the layout, the problem is its becoming very apparent that I will need a lot more time to complete it. I guess my battle with the Evil TIME Villain with me drawn out one.


Anyway I have to go now, as I'm busy hunting down another threat to humanity, the GREY HAIR FAIRY, as the little ###### keeps visiting my room every night as I sleep and paints one of my hairs grey, well not for much longer, be warned my evil little nemesis I will get you.


As ever until the next time....Happy Modelling :)

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  • RMweb Gold

What is it with time?


Lately I am convinced that the only reason it exists is to wind me up


That's pretty deep word play!


It's all looking really good. I very much like the way the street is arranged, and the different profiles and heights of the buildings. Very realistic. Each building is very high quality too.


As for the grey hair fairy, there's always Carr's metal blackening fluid :-)

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That's pretty deep word play!


It's all looking really good. I very much like the way the street is arranged, and the different profiles and heights of the buildings. Very realistic. Each building is very high quality too.


As for the grey hair fairy, there's always Carr's metal blackening fluid :-)



I think I may investigate this blackening fluid you mentioned, I mean what could possibly go wrong :)

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Nice work.I agree with Mikkel, the street scene is coming along nicely. Can I ask what thickness card you use for the shell and partitioning. I`ve used approx 2mm and then overlayed with plasticard but looking at your pictures it seems you`re using something much thicker. Have to agree though, card is great to work with.

Cheers just now,


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Nice work.I agree with Mikkel, the street scene is coming along nicely. Can I ask what thickness card you use for the shell and partitioning. I`ve used approx 2mm and then overlayed with plasticard but looking at your pictures it seems you`re using something much thicker. Have to agree though, card is great to work with.

Cheers just now,




Thanks for the kind comments, I use mounting board for the shells, its about 1.5mm thick, I use to get a lot of off cuts from a local picture framer, but they went out of business so now I have to buy it from a branch of a national hobby store.


I think it just looks a lot thicker in the photographs, funny that the Domestic Overlord claims I look a bit thicker in pictures too :)

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Thanks for that. Looks like we use similar stuff. I have seen daler board mentioned but you don`t seem to find that where I live. A case of a bit of bracing inside for strength.

Thanks again.

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Thanks for that. Looks like we use similar stuff. I have seen daler board mentioned but you don`t seem to find that where I live. A case of a bit of bracing inside for strength.

Thanks again.

I us to use Daler board, but again found it difficult to source at a reasonable price, though I have been told that the "Range" may have it, I may need to investigate

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